Being Public and Engaging Policy Seminar

Davis Library 3010

Academics are increasingly asked to engage with public actors from policymakers to journalists. Rarely, however, are academics given any guidance or strategies for doing so. In this lecture, Dr. Ray will provide strategies for interacting with journalists, policymakers, and bureaucrats. In addition to publishing over 50 books, articles, and book chapters, Ray has given presentations... Read more »

Mixed Methods Workshop

Davis Library 3010

This 2-day course equips students to design, conduct, and critique mixed method research. This course is designed for those who are relatively new to mixed method research, and interested in the principles that should guide it. Participants who come with a specific set of research questions in mind will have opportunities to apply topics of... Read more »

System Dynamics Course

Davis Library 3010

This course will introduce systems thinking and system dynamics computer simulation modeling. The broader goal of this course is to enhance your knowledge and skills in understanding and analyzing the complex feedback dynamics found in nearly all social, economic, and environmental problems. The course will also spend substantial time studying how policy interventions affect the... Read more »

Academic Publishing 101: From Idea to Article

Davis Library 3010

Although graduate school teaches you many things, many Ph.D. students complete their dissertations having never been fully trained in academic publishing. How does academic publishing actually work? Where should you publish your research? How do you actually get papers accepted in strong academic journals? In this talk, the Odum Institute will discuss several major ideas... Read more »