Gillings Blood Drive

The Gillings Student Government Association is hosting a platelet drive as part of National Public Health Week. If interested in donating platelets, please email Julia Nevison to schedule a time.

Dissertation Defense: Ryan Kandrack

Fourth-year doctoral candidate Ryan Kandrack will defend his dissertation, titled "Promise and performance of primary care vertical integration: Effects on spending, utilization and quality of care for Medicare beneficiaries." The... Read more »

MCH Critical Conversations: Substance Use and Recovery for People Genderized as Women

Let’s have a conversation about what addiction looks like in people socialized as women. What typically co-occurs with substance use? When does substance use become disordered, and what does recovery look like? What policies determine who is allowed to be pregnant or parent while using substances or pursuing recovery? How does discrimination inform institutional and... Read more »

Towards a unified methodology of study design and statistical analysis for causal inference in implementation science

Dr. Donna Spiegelman has a joint doctorate in biostatistics and epidemiology and her research is motivated by problems that arise in epidemiology and require biostatistical settlement; in part a focus on troubleshooting methods for study design and data analysis to reduce bias in estimation and inference due to measurement error or misclassification in the exposure... Read more »