How to more effectively engage with highly technical “Over-Your-Head” seminar talks

Do you ever wonder how some researchers can understand technical seminar talks and ask inquisitive questions? You probably never formally learned how to effectively listen and evaluate important technical information from seminar speakers. Like many others, you likely passively learned techniques from watching faculty ask questions, and yet never harnessed a repeatable strategy to quickly... Read more »

Being Public and Engaging Policy

Academics are increasingly asked to engage with public actors from policymakers to journalists. Rarely, however, are academics given any guidance or strategies for doing so. In this workshop, Dr. Rashawn Ray will provide strategies for interacting with journalists, policymakers, and bureaucrats. Participants will learn best practices for amplifying their research to broader publics, as well... Read more »

Extracting Data from the Web: Web Scraping Using R

This course will introduce you to extracting structured data from web pages, also known as “scraping” the pages. We will use the R programming language. The first portion of the course will introduce basic HTML, CSS selectors, Developer Tools in Google Chrome, and the R packages used for web scraping. The second portion will consist... Read more »

Dr. Michael Emch to give speech at Carolina Science Cafe

Join us on the first Tuesday of every month for Carolina Science Cafe, Morehead Planetarium and Science Center’s free, current science awareness program. For our upcoming event, we will be welcoming Dr. Michael Emch to talk about “Malaria in Africa: Ecology, Mitigation, and Challenges”. Contact Will Freund with questions.

Introduction to Qualtrics

Room 219 Davis Library 208 Raleigh St., Chapel Hill, NC, United States

Qualtrics allows users to build complex surveys, distribute them, and analyze the responses all from one place. In this course, we will cover basic Qualtrics functions including creating some of the most common question types, programming display and skip logic, an introduction to “survey flow”, distributing surveys with an anonymous link vs survey mailer, creating... Read more »

Capturing Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity (SOGI) in Survey Research

This course will provide participants with a broad overview of considerations and approaches for capturing sexual orientation and gender identity (SOGI). This includes examining the current best practices and approaches, and considerations for sampling and other key design considerations when researching these populations. The course is intended to give participants an opportunity to better understand... Read more »

2023 UCC Consulting Bootcamp

Join the Undergraduate Consulting Club (UCC) for a day of networking with 10+ firms and attend workshops to help you prepare for recruiting, interviewing, and consulting.  The day will be split into two tracks—an exploratory track for first-years/sophomores and a personalized networking track for juniors/seniors. Bootcamp is a great opportunity for learning about your interests... Read more »

Public Health Career Planning

228 Rosenau Hall Rosenau Hall, Chapel Hill, NC, United States

Register on handshake:  

Gillings on the Ground Disaster Response Training Program (Week 1)

Gillings on the Ground (GoG), is a free, six-week virtual "mini-course" hosted by the UNC Gillings School of Global Public Health. Through weekly sessions with community partners and UNC faculty members, GoG helps participants develop the skills needed to work effectively with communities in disaster preparedness and response.

Interdisciplinary Nutrition Sciences Symposium

William and Ida Friday Center for Continuing Education William and Ida Friday Center for Continuing Education, 100 Friday Center Dr, Chapel Hill, NC, United States

The Interdisciplinary Nutrition Sciences Symposium (INSS) is an annual translational nutrition science conference. This conference will build on the dialogue that began in their first three symposia to develop best practices for translational nutrition science and to generate ideas for proposals and collaborative projects, which will lead public health, therapeutic and clinical efforts to reduce obesity and its... Read more »

Strategies to Ensure the Completion of the Doctoral Dissertation

This workshop will present proven strategies for mapping out a dissertation completion plan in any discipline. Workshop participants will learn how to develop relational success with the dissertation chair and committee, identify and delimit the dissertation topic, undertake a disciplined approach to the review of literature and become familiar with the essential chapter development of... Read more »

Academic Publishing 101: From Idea to Article…and Beyond

Room 219 Davis Library 208 Raleigh St., Chapel Hill, NC, United States

Although graduate school teaches you many things, many Ph.D. students complete their dissertations having never been fully trained in academic publishing. How does academic publishing actually work? Where should you publish your research? How do you actually get papers accepted in strong academic journals? In this talk, we will discuss several major ideas in academic... Read more »

Introduction to Focus Groups

Focus groups are commonly used to capture rich information about attitudes and beliefs. This class will prepare prospective students to organize and moderate focus groups. Students will learn the most appropriate uses of focus groups, how to segment and recruit audiences, how to develop a moderator’s guide, and how to moderate focus groups. The class... Read more »