Centering Race in Data Science

This lecture qualifies for 75 minutes of credit toward the annual Gillings School inclusive excellence training requirement for faculty and staff. Creating a race + equity task force in Data... Read more »

Identifying effector genes of human GWAS variants by INFIMA

Dr. Sunduz Keles will give a biostatistics talk titled "Identifying effector genes of human GWAS variants by INFIMA". The Keles Research Group is interested in statistical and computational genomics and develops statistical and computational data science methods for problems in high-dimensional genomic and biomedical data. The group will exploit, leverage and integrate high-throughput functional, genomic,... Read more »

Home Environments for Wellness Book Club and Peer Support Pod

Our home environment plays an important role in our overall well-being. Let’s reassess the state of our home environments and create more inspired spaces that support our mental health and wellness. We’ll learn about some common themes in design and wellness, read a book that will guide us through our individual home assessments and share... Read more »

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GillingsX 2021: Session 3

GILLINGSX 2021 – RESILIENCE IN TIMES OF CRISIS SESSION 3: GROWTH DURING A PANDEMIC Thursday, March 25 @ 8 p.m. | Registration required Behind the Front Lines: the Role of... Read more »