Microaggressions Training for Gillings TAs

This training, held on Zoom, will offer information, resources, and small-group discussions/activities to help TAs address microaggressions and co-create inclusive classroom environments with their students. All current and incoming Gillings TAs are welcome to attend! Attend online.

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in Your Workplace Virtual Workshop Series

Each workshop qualifies for 2 hours of credit toward the annual Gillings School inclusive excellence training requirement for faculty and staff. Are you a student or organizational leader interested in learning from seasoned DEI "Champions" to advance DEI in your organization, community or workplace? Register now for this workshop series! Join a 4-part virtual workshop... Read more »

Event Series Mental Health First Aid Training

Mental Health First Aid Training

This training qualifies for 8 hours of credit toward the Gillings School's annual inclusive excellence training requirement for faculty and staff. Mental Health First Aid is an 8-hour training that will give students, staff, andfaculty the skills to help someone who is developing a mental health problem orexperiencing a mental health crisis. Training Dates: October... Read more »