CPC Seminar: Social Life of the Immune System

Room 2002, Carolina Population Center 123 west Franklin Street, Chapel Hill, NC, United States

Keely Muscatell will present “The Social Life of the Immune System: Bi-Directional Links between Social Experiences and Inflammation” as part of the Carolina Population Series 2019-2010 Interdisciplinary Research Seminar Series. Keely Muscatell is an assistant professor in the Department of Psychology & Neuroscience and the Lineberger Comprehensive Cancer Center at UNC Chapel Hill. Trained as... Read more »

CPC Seminar: Family Migration

Room 2002, Carolina Population Center 123 west Franklin Street, Chapel Hill, NC, United States

Jennifer Glick will present “Family Migration and Educational Aspirations: Preliminary results from the first wave of the Family Migration and Early Life Outcomes (FAMELO) Project” as part of the Carolina Population Series 2019-2010 Interdisciplinary Research Seminar Series. Jennifer Glick is a social demographer who focuses primarily on migration and family processes. Her work has been... Read more »

CPC Seminar: Health Warning Labels

Room 2002, Carolina Population Center 123 west Franklin Street, Chapel Hill, NC, United States

Marissa Hall will present “Health warning labels: Applying behavioral science experiments to inform public policy” as part of the Carolina Population Series 2019-2010 Interdisciplinary Research Seminar Series. Marissa Hall uses behavioral science to inform policies to prevent cancer and other chronic diseases. Much of her research focuses on the impact of pictorial tobacco product warnings... Read more »

CPC Seminar: Power Estimation

Room 2002, Carolina Population Center 123 west Franklin Street, Chapel Hill, NC, United States

Chris Wiesen will present “Power Estimation for Hypothesis Tests Commonly Used in Social Science.” as part of the Carolina Population Series 2019-2010 Interdisciplinary Research Seminar Series. Chris Wiesen earned a M.S.Ed at the University of Pennsylvania (1988) and an M.A. (1992) and a Ph.D. (1994) at UNC. Before coming to the Odum Institute, Wiesen spent... Read more »

CPC Seminar: Machine Learning

Room 2002, Carolina Population Center 123 west Franklin Street, Chapel Hill, NC, United States

Jennie Brand will present “Uncovering Treatment Effect Heterogeneity using Machine Learning” as part of the Carolina Population Series 2019-2010 Interdisciplinary Research Seminar Series. Jennie E. Brand is Professor of Sociology and Statistics. She is also Director of the California Center for Population Research and Co-Director of the Center for Social Statistics (CSS). Prof. Brand studies... Read more »

CPC Seminar: Philadelphia Beverage Tax

Room 2002, Carolina Population Center 123 west Franklin Street, Chapel Hill, NC, United States

Sara Bleich will present “The Philadelphia beverage tax: Changes in prices and sales” as part of the Carolina Population Series 2019-2010 Interdisciplinary Research Seminar Series. Sara Bleich is a Professor of Public Health Policy at the Harvard Chan School of Public Health in the Department of Health Policy and Management. She is also the Carol... Read more »

CPC Interdisciplinary Research Seminar

Room 2002, Carolina Population Center 123 west Franklin Street, Chapel Hill, NC, United States

William Pan will present “TBD” as part of the Carolina Population Series 2019-2010 Interdisciplinary Research Seminar Series. William Pan is an Associate Professor of Global Environmental Health at Duke University with appointments in the Duke Global Health Institute (DGHI) and Nicholas School of Environment. He has over 15 years of experience studying the impact of... Read more »

CPC Seminar: Live Births and Fertility

Room 2002, Carolina Population Center 123 west Franklin Street, Chapel Hill, NC, United States

Leticia Marteleto will present “Live Births and Fertility amidst the Zika Epidemic” as part of the Carolina Population Series 2019-2010 Interdisciplinary Research Seminar Series. Leticia J. Marteleto (Ph.D., Sociology, University of Michigan) is an Associate Professor in the Department of Sociology and a Faculty Research Associate of the Population Research Center at The University of... Read more »

CPC Seminar: Maternal and Child Nutrition

Room 2002, Carolina Population Center 123 west Franklin Street, Chapel Hill, NC, United States

Stephanie Martin will present “Engaging Family Members to Support Maternal and Child Nutrition” as part of the Carolina Population Series 2019-2010 Interdisciplinary Research Seminar Series. Stephanie Martin is an assistant professor with more than 15 years' experience designing and implementing behavioral interventions in low-income countries. Dr. Martin’s research focuses on the evaluation of behavioral interventions... Read more »

CPC Interdisciplinary Research Seminar

Room 2002, Carolina Population Center 123 west Franklin Street, Chapel Hill, NC, United States

Jessica Faul will present “TBD” as part of the Carolina Population Series 2019-2010 Interdisciplinary Research Seminar Series. Dr. Faul studies health and cognitive functioning, health disparities, and the integration of genetic and social science data in health research. She has worked with HRS core and restricted data files, examining genetic, gene-environment, and socioeconomic determinants of... Read more »

CPC Seminar: Drug Availability

Room 2002, Carolina Population Center 123 west Franklin Street, Chapel Hill, NC, United States

Ryan Masters will present “Trends in Drug Availability, Economic Distress, and Drug-related Mortality among U.S. Whites” as part of the Carolina Population Series 2019-2010 Interdisciplinary Research Seminar Series. Ryan Masters is... Read more »