The Alchemy of Change: Short Film Series

Gerrard Hall 160 E Cameron Ave, Chapel Hill, NC 27514

Before Toshi Reagon and BIGLovely take the stage at Memorial Hall, join Reagon and filmmaker Katina Parker for a screening of this new short film series. These beautiful short films serve as a call for us to recognize the often invisible work carried out by flesh-and-blood humans within institutions of learning. Accompanied by Reagon’s original... Read more »

Film Premiere: The Alchemy of Change

Gerrard Hall 160 E Cameron Ave, Chapel Hill, NC 27514

Join Toshi Reagon and Durham-based filmmaker Katina Parker for the premiere of The Alchemy of Change film series. Created by Reagon and Parker, these seven short films feature interviews with changemakers at UNC-Chapel Hill, accompanied by original music by Reagon. Reagon and Parker also will be joined by those featured in the project for a short... Read more »