Organophosphate pesticide exposure and other chemical mixtures in association with ultrasound and delivery measures of fetal growth Seminar

1131 Bioinformatics Building 130 Mason Farm Road, Chapel Hill, NC, United States

Dr. Kelly Ferguson earned her M.P.H. in Occupational and Environmental Epidemiology and Ph.D. in Environmental Health Sciences from the University of Michigan School of Public Health. She joined the NIEHS Epidemiology Branch as a Tenure-Track Investigator in 2016. Her research group studies how maternal exposure to chemicals impacts pregnancy and the development of the fetus... Read more »

Environmental Regulation of the Estrogen Response in Single Living Cells

1131 Bioinformatics Building 130 Mason Farm Road, Chapel Hill, NC, United States

Joseph Rodriguez, PhD Investigator, NIEHS Epigenetics and Stem Cell Biology Laboratory / Single Cell Dynamics Group Gene regulation is complex, involving the coordination of hundreds of proteins, including chromatin remodelers, enhancer RNA and chromosome looping. The estrogen response has served as a model of gene regulation due in part to its rapid and extensive induction.... Read more »

DNA Methylation and Breast Cancer: Signals of Mechanism and Risk

2301 McGavran-Greenberg Hall McGavran-Greenberg Hall, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Chapel Hill, NC, United States

Alterations in epigenetic processes have been implicated in breast cancer development. One such epigenetic process — DNA methylation — might provide important insights into breast cancer. In this seminar, Dr. Jacob Kresovich will describe how changes in breast tissue DNA methylation may steer development towards specific tumor subtypes. He will also demonstrate novel ways that... Read more »

Using Story to Communicate Science

The Center for Environmental Health and Susceptibility and the Cancer Epidemiology Seminar Series Present: Using Story to Communicate Science Ms. Farro-Henderson is a Canadian American scientist and writer. She was an environmental policy adviser to Minnesota Senator Al Franken and Governor Mark Dayton. She is a fellow at the Institute on the Environment at the... Read more »

Environmental and Economic Consequences of Oil and Gas Development for Population Health


Environmental/Occupational Epidemiology and UNC Center for Environmental Health and Susceptibility Seminar Dr. Willis’ expertise lies at the intersection of environmental epidemiology, spatial exposure assessment and applied data science. Much of her work also leverages econometric-based causal inference methods. She is particularly interested in how epidemiological studies can be best designed to inform health-protective policy decisions.... Read more »