Health Policy and Management Doctoral Dissertation Defense: Addie Coleman

2005 Michael Hooker Research Center (William L. Roper Conference Room) Michael Hooker Research Center, Chapel Hill

Health Policy and Management doctoral candidate, Addie Coleman, will present her dissertation research, titled "Alcohol and substance use among American Indian/Alaska Native birthing people: A mixed methods study of punitive versus supportive state policies and community-level risk factors." Contact Valerie Hooker with questions.

HPM PhD Dissertation Defense: Prajwol Nepal

HPM PhD candidate, Prajwol Nepal, will present his dissertation research, titled, "Non-prescription antibiotics use among children in Nepal: Evidence and interventions in community settings." Contact Valerie Hooker with questions.

GiveUNC Student Event

Armfield Atrium, Michael Hooker Research Center Michael Hooker Research Center, Chapel Hill

Come out to the GiveUNC Student Event!

Health Under Fire: A Discussion on the Public Health Impacts of War

133 Rosenau Hall (Joan Heckler Gillings Auditorium) Rosenau Hall, Chapel Hill

This event will be taking place on Tuesday, March 26th at 5 p.m. in 133 Rosenau and virtually over Zoom. "Health Under Fire" will include two interdisciplinary speakers in the Public Health field who will first discuss their different topics for 20 minutes each, then will participate in a combined discussion and Q&A for the... Read more »