Introduction to Stata

Ruy Manrique is a PhD student at UNC’s Department of Sociology and a predoctoral trainee at the Carolina Population Center. He is also part of the team of graduate student consultants for the Odum Institute Stats Desk. Ruy has ample experience as an applied statistician and data analyst. Contact Jill Stevens with questions.

MCH presents Iheoma U. Iruka, PhD talk

Blue Cross and Blue Shield Auditorium (0001 Michael Hooker Research Center) Michael Hooker Research Center, Chapel Hill

The Department of Maternal and Child Health presents a guest lecture by Iheoma U. Iruka, PhD, entitled "Attending to the Role of Racism and Cultural Wealth on Child and Family Wellbeing: Advancing Anti-Racist Developmental Science." A Research Professor in the Department of Public Policy and the Founding Director of the Equity Research Action Coalition at the Frank Porter... Read more »