Research support cores
Administrative Core
We foster an environment that stimulates innovative, multidisciplinary science while ensuring that all UNC-SRP Projects and Cores work together to achieve our mission .
Community Engagement Core
In collaboration with community partners, we increase understanding of harmful environmental exposures such as inorganic arsenic and develop solutions to prevent exposure to these contaminants in well water.
Chemistry and Analytical Core
We provide critical research support by contributing expertise and analytical capabilities to measure toxic substances with prioritization of inorganic arsenic and co-occurring contaminants.
Data Management and Analysis Core
We provide the UNC-SRP with critical expertise in bioinformatics, statistics, data management and data integration.
Research Experience and Training Coordination Core
We support UNC-SRP trainees with a unique training opportunity in environmental public health, promoting cross-fertilization of knowledge across biomedical science, environmental science, and engineering disciplines.