Tour the school, connect with faculty, staff and students, learn about the application process, attend an information session and discover what our undergraduate majors have to offer at Gillings. . Please note that we have planned our event during Carolina Family Weekend and welcome your family to attend if they are in town!

BSPH Open House, Friday, November 1, 2024In Person

Tentative Schedule:

  • 2:00pm-2:15pm          Check-in
  • 2:15pm-2:50pm          Application & Admissions Process Overview
  • 3:00pm-3:50pm         BSPH Major Department Presentation 1/Tour
  • 4:00pm-4:50pm         BSPH Major Department Presentation 2/Tour

Click HERE to Register!

Can’t attend in person? Join us for our virtual event: Bachelor of Science in Public Health (BSPH) Admissions Tips Info Session – Friday, September 13, 2024, 2:30pm EST, Watch the Recording

Schedule of Events

Admissions & Application Strategies Workshop: This workshop will cover general information about our school and our 4 majors, and reviews the admissions processes including: required prerequisite and course planning, how to access the application, letters of recommendation, when to
apply/deadlines, personal statement, any related university policies/practices, and the BSPH core.

BSPH Major Department Presentations: Attend one department major presentation in designated rooms located throughout the Gillings School which may include faculty and student panels, content related to major-specific courses, research projects/opportunities and internship information, and tours of labs and/or departmental spaces.

Ranked #2 among all public health schools by U.S. News & World Report in 2019, our mission is to improve public health, promote individual well-being, and eliminate health inequities across North Carolina and around the world. Please note that we do not have on-site parking at the Gillings School; review UNC visitor parking options before you arrive on campus.

For prerequisites, admissions criteria and additional information about our bachelor programs:


Visit UNC

Campus Tours

Register for a Prospective Undergraduate Student Campus Tour.

Gillings Admissions Information

Information about the admissions requirements, the application process and the deadlines can be located here.

Find out more about the broad academic areas that comprise public health at Gillings and explore public health careers that could be open to you.


Environmental Sciences and Engineering
Health Behavior
Health Policy and Management
Maternal Child Health
Public Health Leadership Program

Schoolwide Information

Student Affairs
Global Health
Office of Scholarships and Student Aid
Career Services
Minority Student Caucus
Gillings School Student Government Association
Health Sciences Library
Accessibility Resources and Service

Parking, Transportation and Accommodations

For parking, transportation and accommodations information, please visit the Maps and Directions page.

Visit NC

Chapel Hill, NC:

Durham, NC:

Raleigh, NC:

Pittsboro, NC:

Chapel Hill-Carrboro Chamber of Commerce:

Chapel Hill
For more information on restaurants, outdoor activities, or surrounding areas, visit our Life in Chapel Hill page.


Contact us! We’re happy to help.

Contact: Student Affairs

Contact: Career Services

135 Dauer Drive
263 Rosenau Hall, CB #7400
Chapel Hill, NC 27599-7400
(919) 966-2499

Student Events

February 18
11:00 am
1:00 pm
[Not just another] Annual Student Survey Pizza Event
February 26
11:00 am
1:00 pm
Pop-up Health Snack Break
March 24
12:00 pm
1:15 pm
Gillings Career Services: Intro to Strengths
April 9
5:00 pm
6:30 pm
Gillings Career Services: Career Resilience Panel