All SPH Webcasts By Date
Webcasts are an important way that the UNC Gillings School of Global Public Health shares information about emerging public health issues. Archived below are webcasts featuring information on polio, bioterrorism preparedness, West Nile Virus, urban sprawl, obesity, smallpox, breast cancer screening, and influenza, to name a few. Please check back on occasion because we are always adding more!
26th National Health Equity Research Webcast
Truth to Power: Building Solidarity for Health and Democracy
Friday, September 11th, 2020
22nd Annual William T. Small, Jr. Keynote Lecture
Building a Healthy America
By LaTosha Brown
Moderator: Laura Dugom, MPH Candidate
From the 41st Annual Minority Health Conference: Truth to Power: Exercising Political Voice to Achieve Health Equity
Friday, February 28th, 2020
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Minority Health Conference
National Health Equity Research Webcast Fred T. Foard Jr. Memorial Lectures Summer Public Health Research Institute |
26th National Health Equity Research Webcast
Truth to Power: Building Solidarity for Health and Democracy
Friday, September 11th, 2020
22nd Annual William T. Small, Jr. Keynote Lecture
Building a Healthy America
By LaTosha Brown
Moderator: Laura Dugom, MPH Candidate
From the 41st Annual Minority Health Conference: Truth to Power: Exercising Political Voice to Achieve Health Equity
Friday, February 28th, 2020
25th National Health Equity Research Webcast
Structural Racism
Friday, September 13th, 2019
24th National Health Equity Research Webcast
From Awareness to Action: Leveraging Resiliency in the Context of Toxic Stress and Adverse Childhood Experiences
Friday, September 28th, 2018
20th Annual William T. Small, Jr. Keynote Lecture
Achieving Health Equity and Justice Through the Reproductive Justice Framework
By Monica Raye Simpson
Moderators: Josh Boegner, MPH Candidate, Department of Health Behavior, Gillings School of Global Public Health
Caitlin R. Williams, MSPH, Doctoral Student, Department of Maternal and Child Health, UNC Gillings School of Global Public Health
From the 38th Annual Minority Health Conference: Systems of Power: Recalling Our Past, Restructuring Our Future
Friday, February 23rd, 2018
23rd National Health Equity Research Webcast
The Courage to Lead: Scholar-Activism and Health Equity in Turbulent Times
Friday, September 29th, 2017
19th Annual William T. Small, Jr. Keynote Lecture
Fighting for Health Equity in a Time of Fear
By Dr. Chandra Ford
Moderator: Geard C. Fossett, MHA Candidate, Department of Health Policy and Management, Gillings School of Global Public Health
From the 38th Annual Minority Health Conference: Systems of Power: Recalling Our Past, Restructuring Our Future
Friday, February 24th, 2017
18th Annual William T. Small, Jr. Keynote Lecture
Mending the Wounds of Incompetence: Justice at the Intersection of Academia and Activism
By Dr. Crystallee Crain
Moderator: Shekinah A. Fashaw, MSPH Candidate, Department of Health Policy and Management, Gillings School of Global Public Health
From the 37th Annual Minority Health Conference: In Solidarity: The Role of Public Health in Social Justice
Friday, February 26th, 2016
5th Annual Victor J. Schoenbach Keynote Lecture
Lessons from the Reproductive Justice Movement: Public Health as Disruption
by Miriam Zoila Pérez
Introduction of the speaker: Eyerusalem Tessema, MPH student, Department of Health Behavior, UNC Gillings School of Global Public Health
From the 37th Annual Minority Health Conference
Friday, February 26, 2016
21st National Health Equity Research Webcast
Advancing a Community-Based Model for Violence Prevention
Tuesday, June 2nd, 2015
17th Annual William T. Small, Jr. Keynote Lecture
Economic Mobility and Health Disparities: Inequalities by Race, Ethnicity and Class
by William A. Darity, Jr., Ph.D.
Moderator: Shawn C. T. Jones , Doctoral Student, Department of Psychology, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
From the 36th Annual Minority Health Conference: Reaching for the American Dream: Economic Mobility and Minority Health
Friday, February 27th, 2015
20th National Health Equity Research Webcast
The School-to-Prison Pipeline: From Perceptions to Solutions
Tuesday, June 3rd, 2014
Saving Lives with Clean Water
by Greg Allgood, PhD
Founder, Procter & Gamble’s Children’s Safe Drinking Water Program
46th Annual Fred T. Foard Jr. Memorial Lecture
April 15, 2014
16th Annual William T. Small, Jr. Keynote Lecture
“Place Matters” to the Health of Our Nation’s Youth
by Dr. Gail C. Christopher
Moderator: Cara J. Person, MPH CPH, Doctoral Student, Department of Health Behavior, Gillings School of Global Public Health
From the 35th Annual Minority Health Conference
Innovative Approaches to Youth Health: Engaging Youth in Building Healthy Communities
Friday, February 28th, 2014
3rd Annual Victor J. Schoenbach Health Disparities Keynote Lecture
Engaging Youth as Partners in Research through the Creative Arts
by Michael A. Yonas, DrPH
Moderator: Emilio Vicente, Carolina undergraduate from Siler City and candidate for UNC Student Body President
From the 35th Annual Minority Health Conference
Friday, February 28, 2014
19th National Health Equity Research Webcast
Early Childhood Development: Investing in Our Children and Our Future
Tuesday, June 4, 2013
Public Health at the Intersection of Medicine and Media
by Jonathan LaPook, MD
Chief Medical Correspondent
CBS Evening News with Scott Pelley
45th Annual Fred T. Foard Jr. Memorial Lecture
April 11, 2013
15th Annual William T. Small, Jr. Keynote Lecture
Taking Action to Achieve Health Equity: Beyond the Affordable Care Act
by Brian D. Smedley, Ph.D.
Moderator: Stephanie Baker, Ph.D. Doctoral Graduate, Department of Health Behavior, Gillings School of Global Public Health
From the 34th Annual Minority Health Conference
Friday, February 22nd, 2013
2nd Annual Victor J. Schoenbach Health Disparities Keynote Lecture
Federal Initiatives and the Foundation for Health Equity
by Leandris C. Liburd, PhD, MPH
Moderator: Kathryn Bawden, Masters Student, Department of Health Behavior and Health Education, UNC Gillings School of Global Public Health
From the 34th Annual Minority Health Conference
Friday, February 22nd, 2013
18th National Health Equity Research Webcast
Social Determinants of Health Disparities: Moving the Nation to Care about Social Justice
Tuesday, June 5, 2012
Cashing In the Longevity Dividend: Old Age, New Technology & Innovating Life Tomorrow (Podcast)
by Joseph F. Coughlin, PhD
Director, AgeLab
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
44th Annual Fred T. Foard Jr Memorial Lecture
April 17th, 2012
Neighborhoods and Health Disparities: Old Evidence and New Directions
by Ana V. Diez-Roux, MD, PhD, MPH
14th Annual William T. Small, Jr. Keynote Lecture
Moderator: Andre Brown, Doctoral Student, Department of Health Behavior and Health Education, UNC Gillings School of Global Public Health
From the 33st Annual Minority Health Conference
Friday, Febuary 24, 2012
1st Annual Victor J. Schoenbach Health Disparities Keynote Lecture
Community Based Participatory Research as a Path to Equity:Role of Research Teams, Researcher Identity and Mentorship
Nina Wallerstein, Dr.P.H., Professor and Director, Center for Participatory Research, University of New Mexico Public Health Program; Visiting Professor, San Francisco State University.
Moderator: Chelsea Kolander, Masters Student, Department of Health Behavior and Health Education, UNC Gillings School of Global Public Health
From the 33rd Annual Minority Health Conference
Friday, Febuary 24, 2012
Health Equity: Progress and Pitfalls
17th Annual Summer Public Health Research Institute and Videoconference on Minority Health
Tuesday, June 7th, 2011
Innovations in Public Health Seminar
The relationship between innovation and entrepreneurship.
The geography of infectious disease.
April 14th, 2011
A Public Health Physician’s Journey through Flood, Earthquake and the Wake of War
Richard A. Vinroot, Jr. MD, MPH
Alumnus and Emergency Medicine Physician
Ochsner Baptist Medical Center, New Orleans
43rd Annual Fred T. Foard Jr. Memorial Lecture
March 31, 2011
13th Annual William T. Small, Jr. Keynote Lecture
The Development of Indigenous Knowledge in Public Health: Epistemological Diversity as an Essential Component of Health Equity
February 25th, 2011
North Carolina Bio-Preparedness Collaborative
Launch Event
Monday, June 21st, 2010
What Will Health Care Reform Mean for Minority Health Disparities?
16th Annual Summer Public Health Research Institute and Videoconference on Minority Health
Tuesday, June 8, 2010
Wayne Gretzky and the Future of Public Health Leadership
by James Marks, MD, MPH
Senior Vice President and Director of the Health Group,
Robert Wood Johnson Foundation
The Dean’s Lecture Series
Friday, April 9th, 2010
Predictably Irrational
by Dan Ariely, PhD, James B. Duke Professor of Behavioral Economics
and author of “Predictably Irrational”
The Dean’s Lecture Series
March 26, 2010
A Conversation with Gary Koch
Gary Koch
Professor, Department of Biostatistics
UNC Gillings School of Global Public Health
March 16, 2010
Innovations in Public Health: Fresh Food. Fresh Air. Fresh Ideas.
The UNC Gillings School of Global Public Health
Blue Cross and Blue Shield of North Carolina Foundation Auditorium
March 1, 2010
Community Organizing and Community Building: Public Health Watchwords for the 21st Century
12th Annual William T. Small, Jr. Keynote Lecture
Moderator: Joy Williams, Masters Student, Department of Maternal and Child Health
From the 31st Annual Minority Health Conference
Friday, Febuary 26, 2010
Toward Health Care Reform Through Electronic Medical Records, A Forum
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
Breaking the Cycle: Investigating the Intersection of Educational Inequities and Health Disparities
15th Annual Summer Public Health Research Institute and Videoconference on Minority Health
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
Cradle-to-Cradle Design
William McDonough
McDonough + Partners
41st Annual Fred T. Foard Jr. Memorial Lecture
April 1, 2009
Our World, Our Community: Building Bridges for Health Equality
11th Annual William T. Small, Jr. Keynote Lecture
by Barbara C. Wallace, Ph.D.
Moderator: Michael Costa, Masters Student, Department of Health Policy and Management
From the 30th Annual Minority Health Conference
February 27, 2009
Men’s Health Disparities: Implications for Research and Intervention
14th Annual Summer Public Health Research Institute and Videoconference on Minority Health
Tuesday, June 3, 2008
Health Care Reform and the 2008 Presidential Candidates
Jonathan B. Oberlander, PhD
Associate Professor of Social Medicine and of Health Policy and Administration at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
40th Annual Fred T. Foard Jr. Memorial Lecture
April 14, 2008
28: Telling the Human Stories Behind Africa’s AIDS Pandemic
by Stephanie Nolen
The Dean’s Lecture Series, Public Health Transformation for the 21st Century
November 1, 2007
Microcredit and Global Health
by Sheila Leatherman
The Dean’s Lecture Series, Public Health Transformation for the 21st Century
September 24, 2007
Does Racism Make Us Sick?
13th Annual Summer Public Health Research Institute and Videoconference on Minority Health
Monday, June 25, 2007
Water and Human Well-being
by John Briscoe, PhD,
Country Director for Brazil for the World Bank
2007 Fred T. Foard, Jr. Memorial Lecture
April 20, 2007
Tobacco Use Prevention Initiatives at Historically Black Colleges and Universities – The On the Ground Smoking Cessation & Prevention Project
12th Annual Summer Public Health Research Institute and Videoconference on Minority Health
Morgan State University
Wednesday June 28, 2006
Examining the Science Behind Race-Specific Medicine
12th Annual Summer Public Health Research Institute and Videoconference on Minority Health
Monday June 26, 2006
Nature, Nurture and Breast Cancer in the African Diaspora
by Dr. Olufunmilayo “Funmi” Olopade
2006 Fred T. Foard, Jr. Memorial Lecture
March 29, 2006
Healthy Choices for a Healthy Future
by Robert J. Greczyn, Jr, MPH
The Dean’s Lecture Series, Public Health Transformation for the 21st Century
January 19, 2006
The Value Proposition of a Modern School of Public Health
by Dr. Dennis Gillings
The Dean’s Lecture Series, Public Health Transformation for the 21st Century
December 1, 2005
Health Disparities – from Civil Rights to Human Rights
11th Annual Summer Public Health Research Institute and Videoconference on Minority Health
June 20, 2005
From Smallpox to SARS, Avian Influenze and Polio: Dilemmas in Public Health
by Dr. David L. Heymann, Representative of the Director General for Polio Eradication, World Health Organization
2005 Fred T. Foard, Jr. Memorial Lecture
April 20, 2005
2004 Foard Lecture
featuring Dr. Richard Feachem, executive director of the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria
April 8, 2004
Roots of American Indian/Alaska Native: Indigenous Health Disparities
by Michael E. Bird, M.S.W., M.P.H.
9th Annual Summer Public Health Research Institute and Videoconference on Minority Health
June 12, 2003