June 18, 2018

Dr. Peggy Leatt

Dr. Peggy Leatt

Peggy Leatt, PhD, emeritus professor and former chair of the UNC Gillings School of Global Public Health’s Department of Health Policy and Management, has been inducted into the Association of University Programs in Health Administration (AUPHA) Hall of Fame.

AUPHA, a global network of colleges, universities, faculty members, individuals and organizations dedicated to the improvement of health and health care delivery through excellence in health care management and policy education, aims to foster excellence and innovation in health management and policy education and promote the value of university-based management education for leadership roles in the health sector.

The Hall of Fame award recognizes individuals who have had a long relationship with the organization and who have made a significant impact in the field.

“Peggy’s induction into the AUPHA Hall of Fame is richly deserved,” said Morris Weinberger, PhD, Vergil N. Slee Distinguished Professor of Healthcare Quality Management and chair of the Gillings School’s health policy and management department.  “She has been deeply committed to the organization’s mission and instrumental in its success. Perhaps most noteworthy is her achievement in increasing the visibility of women in the leadership of AUPHA. She was the first woman to serve as chair of its board of directors and the first woman to receive the Filerman Prize for Educational Leadership.”

Leatt was recognized at the annual AUPHA meeting, held June 13-15 in Philadelphia.


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