Holliday to chair NC Board of Dietetics/Nutrition
July 22, 2022

Amanda Holliday
The North Carolina Board of Dietetics/Nutrition (NCBDN) — the licensing board for dietitians/nutritionists and nutritionists in the state — has elected Amanda Holliday, MS, RDN, LDN, to serve as its board chair for 2022-2023.
Holliday is an associate professor of nutrition and the program director of the Master of Public Health in Nutrition and Dietetics Program at the UNC-Chapel Hill Gillings School of Global Public Health.
She has served on the NCBDN’s Education Committee since she joined the Board in 2018, and she has been the NCBDN vice chair since 2020. In 2021, Holiday was reappointed by Governor Cooper to serve on the NCBDN for a second three-year term.
“Since being appointed by the Governor, Amanda has been a valuable board member, always willing to serve where needed,” said Board Executive Director Charla Burill. “Her expertise in dietetics/nutrition education and her commitment to always acting with integrity have been invaluable assets to the Board. We look forward to continuing to serve the citizens of North Carolina under her leadership.”
The NCBDN was created by statute in 1991, and exists to “safeguard the public health, safety and welfare, and to protect the public from being harmed by unqualified persons by providing for the licensure and regulation of persons engaged in the practice of dietetics or nutrition and by the establishment of educational standards for those persons.”
In 2018, the North Carolina Dietetics/Nutrition Practice act was modernized through statutory amendment and now serves as a model dietetics/nutrition practice act for the country.
“I’m honored,” Holliday said of her new responsibility. “I consider it a great privilege to be appointed by the Governor to serve in the role of safeguarding the public’s health, safety and welfare.”
Contact the UNC Gillings School of Global Public Health communications team at sphcomm@unc.edu.