Most Regularly Used Purpose Codes for SPH 


To download a printable copy of all SPH Purpose Codes, click here: SPH Purpose codes


01 Regular Term Instruction:  Use for faculty teaching effort and teaching assistants. This purpose includes instruction and departmental research offered for credit or non-credit through a regular academic department during a regular session. It includes academic department heads, departmental chairmen, all budgeted teaching positions, and support personnel subject to supervision and direction by person filling the aforementioned positions. (In the Health Affairs budget, code 16021 includes summer sessions and continuing education.)

52 General Academic Support: Use this code for all items that don’t fall in another category listed. This purpose includes the non-library services which provide support to, and are an internal part of, one or more of the three primary activities, i.e., instruction, research, and public service, of an institution. It includes academic administration (e.g., college deans), academic computing services (e.g., instructional computing and research computing), ancillary support (e.g., demonstration schools, glass blowing shops, laboratory schools, nuclear reactors, and planetariums), audio-visual services (e.g., closed circuit television, learning resources center, and record, film and video center), and museums and galleries (e.g., arboretums, botanical and zoological gardens and traveling displays).

10 Organized Research: Use for faculty, student and staff research effort. This activity includes research efforts of a specified scope which are conducted for the primary purpose of producing research outcomes, whether commissioned by an external agency or separately budgeted within an institution. It includes research project personnel and excludes research administrators and their support personnel.

19 Other Auxiliary Operations: Use for transactions and effort related to recharges. This purpose includes the management and operation of any institutional auxiliary services not otherwise more specifically identified.

30 Student Financial Aid: Use for student support. This activity includes the monies presented as scholarships, fellowships, traineeships, grant-in-aid, prizes and awards to individuals enrolled in formal institutional coursework, The individuals are not required to render services as consideration for the monies thus presented and are not required to repay the amount received. Also, this activity includes the state’s contribution or matching for work-study, in auxiliary enterprises or elsewhere in an institution, and student loan programs. It does not include the ultimate disbursements of work-study and student loan monies to student-beneficiaries. This disbursement of work-study monies to student-employees is classified according to the activity or purpose in which the service is being rendered. The disbursement of student loan monies is classified within the loan fund group as a creation of a loan receivable. The mandatory transfer of state matching for student loan programs from the current fund group to the loan fund group is an element of this activity. It includes the awards to students from the supplemental educational opportunity grants program, but excludes the awards from the basis educational opportunity grants program. The receipts and disbursements of basic educational opportunity grants program monies are classified with the agency fund group.

36 Educational Agreements: OSR will use this but no need to use unless they use it first. This purpose includes any grant or contract under which federal or other financing is provided on a cost reimbursement basis for all or an agreed portion of the costs incurred for training or other educational services. Typical of the work covered by educational service agreements are summer institutes, special training programs for selected participants, professional or technical services to cooperating countries, the development and introduction of new or expanded courses and similar instructional-oriented undertakings, including special research training programs, that are separately budgeted and accounted for by the institution. It excludes awards for organized research, awards exclusively for student financial aid, and institutional grants.

93 AHEC Health Science Support: NCIPH should use on funding from AHEC. This purpose includes the administrative and instructional support provided to the Area Health Education Centers by the health science schools and departments

Gillings Admissions: 233 Rosenau Hall, (919) 445-1170
Student Affairs: 263 Rosenau Hall, (919) 966-2499
Dean's Office: 170 Rosenau Hall, (919) 966-3215
Business and Administration: 170 Rosenau Hall, (919) 966-3215
Academic Affairs: 307 Rosenau Hall, (919) 843-8044
Inclusive Excellence: 207B Rosenau Hall, (919) 966-7430
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135 Dauer Drive
Chapel Hill, NC 27599-7400