Interprofessional Education and Practice at Gillings
What is Interprofessional Education and Practice?
Interprofessional education and practice (IPEP) occurs when students from two or more professions learn about, from and with each other to enable effective collaboration and improve health outcomes. A collaborative practice-ready workforce is a specific way of describing health workers who have received effective training in interprofessional education.
The Gilling School of Global Public Health is part of a campus-wide partnership for the intentional integration of interprofessional learning and collaboration. This partnership is led by the Office of Interprofessional Education and Practice (OIPEP). Schools that are part of this partnership include the schools of Business, Dentistry, Education, Medicine, Nursing, Pharmacy, Public Health, and Social Work; the department of Allied Health; and the Health Sciences Library.

IPEP at Gillings

Dr. Lorraine Alexander
UNC Gillings Director of Interprofessional Education and Practice, Lorraine Alexander, DrPH.
If you have any questions about IPEP, have ideas for interprofessional collaboration or an IPEP project, please contact Lorraine at
UNC-CH Gillings School of Global Public Health Interprofessional Education Student Interest Group
The purpose of this group is to provide information and opportunities for Interprofessional Education (IPE) to public health students. This group will participate in discussions and organize Gillings’ sponsored IPE events that will be available and promoted to all students in other UNC professional schools who are interested in interprofessional education. The co-presidents of this interest group will regularly report the group’s thoughts and ideas back to the IPE Student Executive Committee at their monthly meetings. To join, visit
If you have any questions about the IPEP student group at the Gillings School, contact Alexis Robinson and Christie Kim, co-presidents and UNC Student Executive Committee (SEC) Gillings representatives.
IPEP at Carolina
Office of Interprofessional Education and Practice
The Office of Interprofessional Education and Practice (OIPEP) at UNC-CH is led by the Assistant Provost and Director Office of Interprofessional Education and Practice Meg Zomorodi, PhD, RN, CNL. Visit to check out all the IPEP opportunities for students and faculty.
Highlighted IPEP Opportunities from OIPEP
For Students
IPEP Distinguished Scholars Program
The IPEP Distinguished Scholars Program (IPEP DS) recognizes students who exhibit excellence in the pursuit of interprofessional education. The IPEP Distinguished Scholars Program challenges participants to cooperate, coordinate, and collaborate in order to transform the future of health and human services. While completing the program components, participants build portfolios reflecting their experiences with (1) values and ethics of interprofessional practice, (2) roles/responsibilities, (3) interprofessional communication, and (4) teams and
teamwork. For more information, visit
For Faculty
IPEP Development Programs (Relational Leadership @ Carolina: Inclusive, Authentic, Leadership). An interprofessional, intergenerational learning collaborative for leadership development.