Course evaluations are managed online at the UNC Gillings School of Global Public Health.
For Faculty
The School uses Blue to administer course evaluations. The list of questions has been prepared by the Academic Programs Committee with input from faculty in each department. The Gillings School’s dean, associate dean for academic affairs and all department chairs have approved the list of questions for all courses being offered in their departments.
Blue generates course lists and instructor lists directly out of ConnectCarolina and populates a single questionnaire for each course consisting of a set of course and course environment questions as well as a set of instructor questions for each instructor in the class. As a general policy, teaching assistants are not evaluated directly using the instructor questions except in the case where teaching assistants function as primary instructors for a course. The approved course evaluation instrument includes a question and open-ended feedback more appropriate for teaching assistants in more traditional teaching assistant roles. If a teaching assistant has significant teaching responsibilities, they must be entered into ConnectCarolina to be evaluated using the instructor questions.
Course evaluations open at least two weeks before final exams begin for the semester. Students will receive several automated e-mails with an embedded link from the system. All the student has to do is click the link and fill out the evaluation from a laptop, desktop or mobile device. Additionally, students may access their open course evaluations by using the Course Evals link found on the leftmost menu on the main page of Sakai after logging in. Instructors will receive an invitation that will allow them to view response rates for any of their courses that have open course evaluations.
Instructors should provide students with at least 15 minutes of class time to complete the evaluation during the open period or, at the very least, on the last day class is scheduled to meet.
Inform students early in the semester about the online course evaluation system, including it in your syllabus as part of the calendar of events and/or as an expectation of students in the course. If they hear that you incorporate their feedback into future courses, they are more likely to complete the evaluation.
Results will be sent directly to faculty members and each departmental chair when exams are over and grades have been completed for all courses. Faculty also may check their results for any semester following the implementation of Blue in spring 2017 using the Blue Course Evaluation System link under the Student Administration menu in Connect Carolina or by going directly to For prior semesters, please contact
Faculty members are encouraged to conduct a mid-semester evaluation in their courses using Qualtrics or any other method in order to make changes that could improve the instruction and format of the course during the semester.
For Students
Your feedback is anonymous. All multiple choice questions will only appear in aggregate with other students in your course. Instructors will see the distribution of answers and some summary statistics for each question. Your responses to open-ended questions will appear in full, but will appear alongside the responses of others in your course and your answer cannot be connected to you unless you provide identifying information in your response.
Evaluations will be online and will open at least two weeks before the beginning of exams. You will receive several emails (from with an embedded link. All you have to do is click the link and fill out the evaluation from your laptop, desktop or mobile device. Additionally, you may access any open course evaluations by using the Course Evals link found on the leftmost menu on the main page of Sakai after logging in. This is true even if your class is not using Sakai.
The evaluation system closes on the day before exams begin at 11:59 p.m.
Course evaluation link: