Charles Poole

Charles Poole, ScD

Associate Professor
Department of Epidemiology
2104A McGavran-Greenberg Hall
CB #7435
Chapel Hill, NC 27599

Honors and Awards

Inaugural Innovation in Teaching Award
2012, UNC-CH

Representative Courses

EPID 705: Introduction to Logic and Probability Logic in Epidemiology | Syllabus

EPID 715: Theory and Quantitative Methods in Epidemiology | Syllabus

EPID 719: Readings in Epidemiologic Methods | Syllabus

EPID 731: Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis | Syllabus

Research Activities

  • Epidemiologic methods
  • Epidemiologic concepts
  • Systematic review and meta-analysis

Key Publications

On the origin of risk relativism. Charles Poole (2010). Epidemiology, 21(1), 3-9.

Commentary: Learning from within-study and among-study comparisons-trials of zinc supplementation and childhood acute lower respiratory illness episodes in the developing world. Charles Poole (2010). International Journal of Epidemiology, 39(3), 809-811.

Socioeconomic status and childhood leukaemia: A review. Sander Greenland, Jennifer Kelsey, Crystal Luetters, Gabor Mezei, Charles Poole (2006). International Journal of Epidemiology, 35(2), 370-384.

Commentary: This study failed? Lenore Arab, Dora Il'yasova, Ulrike Peters, Charles Poole (2003). International Journal of Epidemiology, 32(4), 534-535.

Low P-values or narrow confidence intervals: Which are more durable? C. Poole (2001). Epidemiology, 12(3), 291-294.

Staff/Administrative Duties

Chair, Curriculum Subcommittee


  • ScD, Epidemiology, Harvard University, 1989
  • MPH, Health Administration, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 1976
  • BA, Natural Sciences, Johns Hopkins University, 1973