Click on one of the primary research areas below to learn more. Faculty members engaged in each research area are listed under the sub-topics. Those who are potentially seeking new doctoral students for Fall 2025 are indicated by an (*). This list may change throughout the admissions cycle.

Text reads: Precision Nutrition Text reads Diet, Health and Disease Text reads Fundamentals of Nutrition and Metabolism Text reads Understanding and Changing Diet Related Behavior

Precision Nutrition

Studies that focus on heterogeneity in diet-related effects. Large clinical- and population-based studies are often used as they provide inter-individual variation in exposures and outcomes. Data that captures individual-level heterogeneity in processing of nutrients and their differential health effects as captured with genetic, microbial, and metabolome data.

Department of Nutrition
Our offices are located on the second floor of Rosenau Hall.
Faculty and Staff
Academic Coordinators
MPH@UNC (MPH Online) Only:
Program Coordinator, John Sugg

135 Dauer Drive
245 Rosenau Hall, CB # 7461
Chapel Hill, NC 27599-7461
(919) 966-7218