About This Training

Newly updated in 2021!

This is a four-section training series developed to introduce board of health members to the basic concepts of their rulemaking authority.

This online training is designed to explain rulemaking authority as it applies to a local board of health, including the board’s general authority to make rules, limitations on this authority, and procedural requirements that North Carolina law imposes on the rulemaking process. The training may be accessed as needed for “just-in-time” training when boards are actively engaged in rulemaking or used towards meeting requirements for ongoing training for board of health members.

Training Modules

This training consists of four recorded modules.

Note: You must complete and submit the post-training evaluation after completing all the lessons in order to receive a certificate of completion.

Rulemaking Authority of NC Local Boards of Health, Section 1: Legal Powers and Duties of Boards of Health in North Carolina 
Rulemaking Authority of NC Local Boards of Health, Section 2: What is a Board of Health Rule? 
Rulemaking Authority of NC Local Boards of Health, Section 3 (Part 1): What May a Board of Health Rule Address? General Scope & Limitations of BOH Rules.
Rulemaking Authority of NC Local Boards of Health, Section 3 (Part 2): What May a Board of Health Rule Address? Considerations for BOH Rules on Certain Topics.
Rulemaking Authority of NC Local Boards of Health, Section 4: What is the Process for Adopting a Board of Health Rule? 
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