Our department’s faculty and staff are seasoned veterans in maternal and child health practice and scholarship. Many have worked within or in close consultation with the major domestic and global maternal and child health public health agencies – the State Health Department/Title V Program, The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, The U.S. Agency for International Development, The United Nations Children’s Fund, and the World Health Organization. They have also led the maternal and child health field in teaching, continuing to introduce curricular innovations to ensure that our students obtain the knowledge and skills necessary to become effective leaders in the field.

Currently, the department has 31 faculty members, 20 of whom have primary appointments in Maternal and Child Health (MCH). Complementing these faculty are four emeritus members, and more than 65 adjunct faculty, many of whom hold leadership positions in MCH research and practice settings. Given the interdisciplinary nature of our department, faculty and staff research interests and activities span the full array of issues and areas of focus for the maternal and child health population. Our initiatives are designed to create new knowledge and directly improve the health of this population. World-class faculty have been carefully recruited with these goals in mind.

Our skilled and dedicated staff members support our faculty, students and alumni, ensuring that our teaching and research programs run smoothly and effectively. Together, faculty and staff help our department stay responsive to the changing needs of MCH students, alumni and the practice community.


Janine Barden-O'Fallon, PhDSenior Technical Advisorbardenof@email.unc.edu
Alessandra N. Bazzano, PhD, MPHChair and Professorabazzano@unc.edu
Kristin Z. Black, PhD, MPHAssistant Professorkzblack@unc.edu
Larelle H. Bookhart, PhD, MPH, RD, IBCLCAssistant Professorlarelle.bookhart@unc.edu
Caroline Chandler, MPH, PhDAssistant Professorcaroline.chandler@unc.edu
Dorothy Cilenti, DrPHProfessorcilenti@email.unc.edu
Sian Curtis, PhDProfessorscurtis@email.unc.edu
Julie L. Daniels, PhDProfessorjulie_daniels@unc.edu
Claudia S. Plaisted Fernandez, DrPH, MS, RD, LDNProfessorclaudia_fernandez@unc.edu
Sherri Green, PhD, MSW, LCSWAssociate Professorsgreen@email.unc.edu
Jon M. Hussey, PhDAssistant Professorjon_hussey@unc.edu
Iheoma U. Iruka, PhDProfessoriruka@unc.edu
Larissa Jennings Mayo-Wilson, PhD MHSAssociate Professorljennings.mayowilson@unc.edu
Kavita Singh Ongechi, PhDProfessorkavita_singh@unc.edu
Angela Parcesepe, PhDAssociate Professorangela_parcesepe@unc.edu
Herbert Peterson, MDWilliam R. Kenan, Jr. Professorherbert_peterson@unc.edu
Meghan Shanahan, PhDAssociate Professor, Associate Chair for Academicsshanahan@unc.edu
Ilene Speizer, PhDProfessorilene_speizer@unc.edu
Alison Stuebe, MDProfessor and Distinguished Scholar in Infant and Young Child Feedingastuebe@med.unc.edu
Catherine Sullivan, MPH, RDN, LDN, IBCLC, RLC, FANDAssistant Professorcatherine_sullivan@unc.edu
Christine Tucker, PhDAssistant Professorcmtucker@live.unc.edu
Lindsey Yates, PhD, MPHAssistant Professorlindseek@live.unc.edu
Bharathi Jayanthi Zvara, PhDAssociate Professor, Director of Researchzvara@email.unc.edu

Emeritus Faculty

Trude Bennett, DrPHProfessor Emeritatrude_bennett@unc.edu
Anita M. Farel, DrPHProfessor Emeritaanita_farel@unc.edu
Carolyn T. Halpern, PhDProfessor Emeritacarolyn_halpern@unc.edu
Jonathan B. Kotch, MDProfessor Emeritusjonathan_kotch@unc.edu
Lewis Margolis, MD, MPHProfessor Emerituslew_margolis@unc.edu
Sandra L. Martin, PhDProfessor Emerita sandra_martin@unc.edu
Diane Louise Rowley, MDProfessor Emeritadrowley@email.unc.edu

Adjunct Faculty

Kathryn Andersen, PhDAdjunct Assistant Professorkathrynandersen7@gmail.com
Dr. Mary Eyram AshinyoAdjunct Assistant Professorkeyram1@yahoo.co.uk
Jessamy BagenalAdjunct Professorjessamy.bagenal@lancet.com
Joy Noel Baumgartner, PhD, MSSWAdjunct Associate Professorjoy.baumgartner@unc.edu
José Belizan, MD, PhDAdjunct Professorbelizanj@gmail.com
Janie Benson, MPH, DrPHAdjunct Professorbensonjanie@gmail.com
Pouru Bhiwandi, MSPHAdjunct Professorbhiwandi@bellsouth.net
Deborah Billings, PhDAdjunct Associate Professorbillindl@mailbox.sc.edu
Shelah Bloom, ScDAdjunct Associate Professorssbloom@email.unc.edu
Courtney Bonner, PhDAdjunct Assistant Professorcpbonner@rti.or
Dalia Brahmi, MD, MPHAdjunct Associate Professordaliabrahmi@gmail.com / brahmi@email.unc.edu
Dorothy C. Browne, DrPHAdjunct Professordbrowne@email.unc.edu
Amy Bryant, MD, MSCRAdjunct Associate Professoramy_bryant@med.unc.edu
Holly McClain Burke, PhD, MPHAdjunct Associate Professorhburke@fhi360.org
Martha Carlough, MD, MPHAdjunct Professormartha_carlough@med.unc.edu
Cecilia Casanueva, PhDAdjunct Assistant Professorcasanuev@email.unc.edu ccasanueva@rti.org
Cynthia Cassell, PhDAdjunct Associate Professorchcassell@gmail.com
Kerith Jane ConronAdjunct Associate Professorkerith@unc.edu
Marcia Cordova-Roth, MPHAdjunct Assistant Professormarcia_roth@unc.edu
Leslie deRosset, MSPH, MPHAdjunct Instructorderosset@email.unc.edu
Abigail English, JDAdjunct Associate Professorenglish@cahl.org
Jessica Fehringer, PhDAdjunct Associate Professorjessica_f@unc.edu
Renée Ferrari, PhD, MPHAdjunct Assistant Professorrferrari@unc.edu
William Oscar Fleming, DrPH, MSPHAdjunct Assistant Professoroscar.fleming@unc.edu
Alfredo Fort, PhDAdjunct Associate Professoralfredoluisfort@gmail.com
Jean Christophe Fotso, PhDAdjunct Associate Professorjcfotso@evihdaf.com
Shoshana K. Goldberg, PhDAdjunct Assistant Professorskgold@email.unc.edu
Rodolfo Gomez Ponce de Leon, MD, MSPH, PhDAdjunct Professorgomezr@paho.org
Phillip Graham, DrPHAdjunct Professorpgraham@rti.org
Melissa Green, MPHAdjunct Assistant Professormagreen@email.unc.edu
Rebecca Greenleaf, MPHAdjunct Assistant Professorrebecca_greenleaf@unc.edu
Dana Hagele, MD, MPHAdjunct Assistant Professordana_hagele@med.unc.edu
Joumana Haidar, DBAAdjunct Assistant Professorjoumana_haidar@unc.edu
Marcia E. Herman-Giddens, DrPHAdjunct Professormherman-giddens@unc.edu meherman.go@gmail.com
Stephanie HernandezAdjunct Assistant Professor
Vijaya Hogan, DrPHAdjunct Professorvhogan@email.unc.edu
Dilshad Jaff, MD, MPHAssociate Clinical Practice Professorjdilshad@email.unc.edu
Marian Johnson-Thompson, PhDAdjunct Professormarian.johnsonthompson@gmail.com
Michael Edwin Kafrissen, MD, MSPHAdjunct Professormkafriss@mit.edu
Nathalie Kapp, MD, MPHAdjunct Associate Professornathaliek@gmail.com
Jack Leiss, PhDAdjunct Associate Professorjackleiss@outlook.com
Baker MaggwaAdjunct Professormaggwa@email.unc.edu, bmaggwa2@gmail.com
Gerri Mattson, MD, MSPH, FAAPAdjunct Associate Professorgerri.mattson@dhhs.nc.gov
Donna R. McCarraherAdjunct Associate Professordmccarraher@fhi360.org
Elizabeth M. McClure, PhDAdjunct Associate Professorbmcclure@email.unc.edu
Tekleab Mekbib, MD, PhD, MPHAdjunct Professormekbib@live.unc.edu
Amy Mullenix, MSPH, MSWAdjunct Instructoramy_mullenix@unc.edu
Robert MurphyAdjunct Associate Professorrobert.murphy@duke.edu
Priya Nanda, PhDAdjunct Assistant Professorpnanda@icrw.org
Constance J. Newman, MPH, MSWAdjunct Associate Professorconstancenewman88@gmail.com
Logan NickelsAdjunct Assistant Professorlogan@malecontraceptive.org
Aunchalee E. L. Palmquist, PhD, MA, IBCLCAdjunct Associate Professora.palmquist@duke.edu
Krista Perreira, PhDAdjunct Professorperreira@email.unc.edu
McLean Pollock, PhD, MSW, LCSWAdjunct Assistant Professormcleanpollock@gmail.com
Rohit Ramaswamy, PhDAdjunct Professorramaswam@email.unc.edu
Tamar Ringel-Kulka, MD, MPHAdjunct Associate Professorringelta@email.unc.edu
Doris J. Rouse, PhDAdjunct Professorrouse@rti.org
Lucille Siegel, MPHAdjunct Associate Professorlpsiegel28@gmail.com
David Sokal, MDAdjunct Associate Professordcsokal@gmail.com
Elizabeth Tolley, PhDAdjunct Associate Professorbtolley@fhi360.org
Mallory Turner, PhD, MSPHAdjunct Assistant Professormwturner6@gmail.com
Nana A. Y. Twum-Danso, MD, MPHAdjunct Assistant Professorntwumdanso@ihi.org
Sarah Verbiest, DrPHAdjunct Facultysarahv@med.unc.edu
Yudan Chen Wang, PhDAdjunct Associate Professorwang@hsrc.unc.edu
Stephanie Watson-Grant, DrPHAdjunct Assistant Professorwatsongr@email.unc.edu
Wendee M. Wechsberg, PhDAdjunct Professorwmw@rti.org
Andra Wilkinson, PhDAdjunct Assistant Professorandra.wilkinson@gmail.com
Kathryn Wouk, PhD, MS, IBCLCAdjunct Assistant Professorkwouk@pire.org
Adam Zolotor, MD, DrPHAdjunct Professorajzolo@med.unc.edu

Chair’s Office Staff

Kia B Barbee, MBADirector of Finance and Administrationkbarbee@unc.edu
Alessandra N. Bazzano, PhD, MPHChair and Professorabazzano@unc.edu
Kathy BiancardiAdministrative Support Associatekathy_biancardi@unc.edu
Quetta LongAccounting Technicianquetta_long@unc.edu
La-Sonya F. RobinsonAccounting Technicianla-sonya.robinson@unc.edu
Victoria StephensAccounting Technicianvjs1@unc.edu
Allan Yara, MS, MBABudget and Finance Managerallanfy@email.unc.edu


Michelle Abel-ShoupProgram Managermichelle.shoup@unc.edu
Rakiah AndersonEvaluation Managerrakiah@unc.edu
Julia Bourg, RN, BSN, IBCLCBreastfeeding Healthcare Manager / Project Directorjuliabourg@unc.edu
Jessica Bridgman, MPH, RDN, LDNChild Care and Communities Specialist/Social Clinical Research Specialistjbridgman@unc.edu
Dorothea Calhoun-SmithBusiness Services Coordinatordorothea_calhoun@unc.edu
Karla DeHaven, RN, BSN, NCSN, CCHC-CRegional Child Care Nurse Consultant / Child Care Health Consultant CoachKarla.Dehaven@unc.edu
Leslie deRosset, MSPH, MPHResearch Investigatorderosset@email.unc.edu
Chantelle Dowsett, PhDEvaluation Managerchantelle_dowsett@unc.edu
Myka ElliottExecutive Assistant, WHO Collaborating Centermkelliot@email.unc.edu
Vickie Fennell, MSInformation and Lead Training CoordinatorVickie_Fennell@unc.edu
Allison George, MPHCurriculum Development Specialistgeorgea@email.unc.edu
Brooke GilliamSocial Clinical Research Specialistbgilliam@unc.edu
LaKeasha Glaspie, MHS, MCHES, CCHC-C/ERegional Child Care Health Consultantlglaspie@ad.unc.edu
Rebecca Greenleaf, MPHSocial/Clinical Research Specialistrebecca_greenleaf@unc.edu
Tamala GrissettCenter Administratortamala@email.unc.edu
Steven Gunn, MPATraining Specialiststeven_gunn@unc.edu
Kimberly GurganusRegional Child Care Consultantkgurganu@unc.edu
Michelle Hendricks, MBA, RD, LD, IBCLCSocial Clinical Research Specialistmjhen@email.unc.edu
Daina C. Huntley, MPH, CHESSocial Clinical Research Specialist/Director, Community Activitiesdchuntley@unc.edu
Sharleen Laporte, MS, CHES, CCHC-C/ERegional Child Care Health Consultantslaporte@unc.edu
Rebecca LefeverChild Care Health Consultant Coach, NC Child Care Health and Safety Resource Centerrlefever@unc.edu
Rachel Lentz, MPH, CCHCRegional Child Care Health Consultantrlentz@unc.edu
Christine Masterman, MSN, RN, IBCLCSocial Clinical Research Specialistcmasterman@unc.edu
Sara Miller MPH, CHESRegional Child Care Health Consultant NC Child Care Health and Safety Resource Centersmacmill@email.unc.edu
Ellie Morris, MPH, CCHCChild Care Health Consultantmorrise@email.unc.edu
Amy Mullenix, MSPH, MSWAdjunct Directoramy_mullenix@unc.edu
Kathy Parry, MPH, IBCLC, LMBTProject Manager/Social Clinical Research Specialistkathyparry@unc.edu
Lindsey Pertet, BSChild Care Health Consultant and Training Coordinatorlindsey_pertet@unc.edu
Megan Pjura, MPHInfant/Toddler Childcare Health ConsultantMegan.Pjura@unc.edu
Robert A. PoarchCommunications Specialistrpoarch@unc.edu
Beth Porreco, BSNSocial/Clinical Research Specialistbeth_porreco@unc.edu
Mary Ramirez BSN, RNRegional Child Care Health Consultantmary.ramirez@unc.edu
Stacy Rosser, MPH, CCHC-C/ERegional Child Care Health Consultantstacy_rosser@unc.edu
Leyla ScheuringCommunications Specialistleyla_scheuring@unc.edu
Kelli Sheppard, BS, BSBACommunications Managerksheppard@unc.edu
Lisa Shifflett, RN, CCHC-CClinical Research Specialistlisa_shifflett@unc.edu
Jacqueline Simmons, MScPH MCHESProject Directorjdsimmons@unc.edu
Theresa Vinson Stenersen, RN, BSN, CCHC-CNurse Consultanttheresa_stenersen@unc.edu
Courtney Summey, MPH, CCHCInfant/Toddler Child Care Health Consultantcourtney_summey@unc.edu
Alicia Tanner, BSN, RNRegional Child Care Health Consultant Manageraltanner@unc.edu
Linda Tawfik, MSc, PhDSenior Research Scientistlindat@email.unc.edu
Julie Theriault, MAAccreditation and Training Managerjther@email.unc.edu
Lynn TomkinsEvent Planner
Jasmine Walker, MAData Administratorjswalker@unc.edu

Contact your Academic Coordinator.
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MPH@UNC (MPH Online) Only:
Program Coordinator, John Sugg

135 Dauer Drive
401 Rosenau Hall, CB #7445
Chapel Hill, NC 27599-7445
(919) 966-2017