Click on any technology tool listed below for more information. If you would like to talk to an expert about using any tools, you can book a consult now.

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Canvas and Integrated Tools:


  • What it is: Canvas is the University’s centrally supported learning management system. You can use Canvas as a central location to communicate with students, share course materials, and collect assignments.

Links and Info:

[link to this tool]



  • What it is: Zoom is the University’s centrally supported online meeting tool. It is your primary solution for synchronous (live) class meetings and can also be used for lecture recording. It is integrated into Canvas for easier course-related scheduling.
  • Access: Through your Canvas site “Zoom Pro” tab or directly via (Onyen login)

Links and Info:

[link to this tool]



  • What it is: Panopto is a media management system that can be used by UNC faculty, students, and staff to host, manage, and edit video. It is integrated into Canvas for easier video management with courses. It is your primary solution for managing and sharing instructional video content, including Zoom recordings.

Links and Info:

[link to this tool]


Poll Everywhere

  • What it is: Poll Everywhere is the University’s centrally supported online polling tool. It is your primary solution for live polling using computers or smartphones. It is integrated into Canvas to provide student credit for poll responses.

Links and Info:

[link to this tool]



  • What it is: VoiceThread allows students and instructors to create, share, and comment on multimedia presentations. It is integrated into Canvas for easy sharing and management.

Links and Info:

[link to this tool]



  • What it is: Gradescope is an assignment/quiz delivery and grading tool integrated into Canvas. It is useful if you have assignments or quizzes that students need to show written work on (like math equations) or that are answered using bubblesheets. Gradescope integrates into the Canvas Grades tool.
  • Access: Through your Canvas site, or directly here: (Onyen login by choosing “school credentials” and choosing UNC)

Links and Info:

[link to this tool]


Other Tools:


Please Note: Sakai is no longer available to use for live classes. Instead you will need to use Canvas. Sakai will be accessible to instructors for the next two years if you need to retrieve content or check on details of old courses. Get in touch with us if you have any questions about Sakai, or transitioning to Canvas.


Peer Evaluation Tool

  • What it is: The Peer Evaluation Tool enables you to easily deliver team-based peer evaluation surveys. Students evaluate the other members of their team based on questions and criteria you determine.
  • Access: If you are using the tool, you will have a course-specific link to use. You can also access the general login page and go to any course you have set up in the tool.
  • Request: If you’d like to start using the tool, contact us at and we’ll get you set up.

Links and Info:

[link to this tool]



  • What it is: Bookings is an Office 365 app that lets you create a link for students to schedule office hours during free times (or times you designate) on your Outlook calendar. When students use this link, their office hour automatically shows up on your calendar AND you get an email notification.

[link to this tool]
