Global PhD Student Spotlights

Please fill out the information on this form to be included in our new global health focused doctoral student spotlight webpage. Only include information you wish to share publicly (none of the information below is required).

This will not be publicly posted
This will not be publicly posted, as we need to know when to take down your profile.
Please include research focus, current collaborations and activities, etc. Please keep to a paragraph or less.
If you'd like to upload a presentation or file you wish to share, please do so.
Max. file size: 98 MB.
Please upload a photo if you'd like one posted
Max. file size: 98 MB.

Gillings Admissions: 233 Rosenau Hall, (919) 445-1170
Student Affairs: 263 Rosenau Hall, (919) 966-2499
Dean's Office: 170 Rosenau Hall, (919) 966-3215
Business and Administration: 170 Rosenau Hall, (919) 966-3215
Academic Affairs: 307 Rosenau Hall, (919) 843-8044
Inclusive Excellence: 207B Rosenau Hall, (919) 966-7430
Room Reservations

135 Dauer Drive
Chapel Hill, NC 27599-7400