
Picture warnings on sodas? A promising tool to fight childhood obesity

February 1, 2022
A study in PLOS Medicine is the first to examine in a realistic setting whether pictorial health warnings on sugary drinks influence which beverages parents buy for their children. The findings are promising: The warnings reduced parental purchases of sugary drinks for their kids by 17 percentage points.

UNC researchers to lead 2 centers for $170M NIH Nutrition for Precision Health Consortium

January 31, 2022
Understanding how people differ in both their metabolism and their bodily response to what they eat and drink is critical to tailoring diets for an individual’s optimal health. To that end, Gillings School researchers will direct both a $13 million Nutrition Precision Health Clinical Center and a $19 million Metabolomics and Clinical Assay Center.

Produce prescriptions can save money. New project asks how much?

December 13, 2021
Food prescription programs provide monthly benefits to help people buy fresh fruits and vegetables, and these programs have already been shown to improve health outcomes. A $765,000 grant from The Duke Endowment will fund research by Dr. Shu Wen Ng, Distinguished Scholar in Public Health Nutrition, to produce evidence related to a new facet of these programs: return on investment in the form of improved health and lower health care costs for individuals and communities.

UNC-Chapel Hill named NIOSH Center of Excellence for Total Worker Health®

September 20, 2021
The National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) has funded 10 Centers of Excellence for Total Worker Health®, which promote policies, programs and practices that integrate protection from work-related safety and health hazards with promotion of injury and illness prevention efforts to advance worker well-being. The new Carolina Center of Excellence in Total Worker Health and Well-Being is housed within the UNC-Chapel Hill Gillings School of Global Public Health.
