Week of Events
Registration open for “Multi-Item Scale Development Part 1”
Registration open for “Multi-Item Scale Development Part 1”
Dr. Marcella Boynton is currently an assistant professor in the UNC Division of General Medicine and Clinical Epidemiology, School of Medicine and a biostatistician at UNC NC TraCS Institute where she provides statistics, research methods, and psychometrics support to a wide range of translational and behavioral scientists. Contact Jill Stevens with questions.
UNC Core Center for Clinical Research Speaker Series
UNC Core Center for Clinical Research Speaker Series
Please join us on Wednesday, October 18th for the UNC Core Center for Clinical Research (CCCR) Speakers Series presentation, "Mental Health Phenotyping in Osteoarthritis: From Concept to Implementation" from speaker Trevor Lentz, PT, PhD, MPH (Duke University School of Medicine). Join us virtually on Zoom at 10:30am EST. https://zoom.us/j/95689576583?pwd=c3RLNEt2WHQzSEoyZmJIN1FEQVR2QT09&from=addon Contact Abrianna Mihalkovic with questions.
Clear Health Communication
Clear Health Communication
This workshop will provide an introduction to health literacy and plain language for written communication. We will cover tips and tools for clear communication and practice writing with plain language. The workshop is intended for anyone creating patient education materials or communicating with the public about health topics. You can register for the event at... Read more »
Influenza (flu) Vaccination Clinic
Influenza (flu) Vaccination Clinic
An opportunity for UNC-Chapel Hill community members to obtain a flu vaccination on campus on Friday, Oct. 20, 10 a.m. - 2 p.m. – Frank Porter Graham Student Union (Employee Appreciation Day) There are several other opportunities for UNC-Chapel Hill community members to obtain a flu vaccination on campus: Student Stores Pharmacy - Offers no-appointment flu... Read more »