CANCELED: Fireside Chat with Kristie Mikus

NOTICE: Owing to unexpected circumstances, this event has been cancelled - though this series will continue in the near future. Please contact with any questions. This virtual, podcast-style event highlights Gillings School of Global Public Health alumni discussing life after the Gillings School. This series showcases a broad range of public health alumni who... Read more »

National E-Mobility Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Conference

EVNoire, founded by maternal and child health alum Dr. Shelley Francis, is hosting its annual National E-Mobility DEI Conference on 10/19 (virtual program) and 10/20 (in-person, DC) at the National Press Club. Keynote speakers include Van Jones, CNN Analyst / former White House staff, Dr. Robert Bullard "Father of the Environmental Justice Movement" and Dr.... Read more »

Gillings Alumni Fireside Chat: Kristie Mikus


Location: Virtual (ZOOM) Date: Friday, February 10, 2023 Time: Noon Eastern/9 a.m. Pacific Moderator: Camille G. Mason, Assistant Director of Alumni Giving and Engagement, UNC Gillings School of Global Public Health Learn, discover and gain insight into how to create change in public health after earning a degree. Tune into this Gillings Alumni Fireside Chat... Read more »

D.C. Gillings Alumni Social

The Hamilton 600 14th St NW, Washington, DC

DC Gillings School Social Location: The Hamilton, 600 14th St NW, Washington, DC 20005 Date: Thursday, March 16, 2023 (During ASPPH March 15–17) Time: 6 – 8 p.m. Eastern Registration required.

UNC Biostatistics Alumni Panel

Join the Department of Biostatistics to hear from a panel of UNC biostatistics alumni about their experiences interviewing for employment opportunities. These alums can answer your questions about what it's like to work in academia, government, industry and non-profit. This informational session is a great opportunity to network and prepare for the job search process.... Read more »

Alumni Virtual Panel (Admissions)


Alumni Virtual Panel (Admissions) Location:Virtual (ZOOM) Date:Tuesday, April 4, 2023 Time: 5 – 6 p.m. Registration link to come.

UNC ESE Alumni Career Engagement Series

Featuring Jeanette Reyes, PhD, physical scientist at the U.S. EPA, and Karen Setty, PhD Come directly engage with ESE alums! Ask honest and practical questions about life in environmental sciences workplaces. Watch online. Contact Rebecca Rice with questions.

UNC ESE Alumni Career Engagement Series

Featuring Rebecca Martinez, PhD, Riley Mulhern, PhD, and Paul Fitzgerald Come directly engage with ESE alums! Ask honest and practical questions about life in environmental sciences workplaces. Watch online.

2023 HPM Distinguished Alumni Award Lecture: Dr. Gary Freed

Blue Cross and Blue Shield Auditorium (0001 Michael Hooker Research Center) Michael Hooker Research Center, Chapel Hill, NC, United States

The Gillings School of Global Public Health Department of Health Policy and Management presents: The 2023 Distinguished Alumni Award Recipient Lecture with Gary L. Freed, MD, MPH ('92) from the University of Michigan School of Medicine and School of Public Health. Registration required. This lecture will be held in person and via Zoom.

NYC Gillings School Alumni Social

Torch & Crown Brewing Company 12 Vandam St., New York, NY, United States

Location: Torch & Crown Brewing Company 12 Vandam St New York, NY 10013 Date: Thursday, June 8th, 2023 Time: 6 – 8 p.m. Eastern Registration required.

Alumni Coffee Chat

230 Rosenau Hall (Mayes Center) Rosenau Hall, Chapel Hill, NC, United States

Register on handshake: