UNC Gillings HPM Residential Masters Class of 2003 – 20-Year Reunion Celebration

Join us for a joyous weekend filled with laughter, reminiscing, catching up, and reconnecting with your fellow graduates. Crystal Richards, one of your esteemed classmates, is taking the lead in organizing this memorable 20-Year Reunion. RSVP: Please take a moment to RSVP to the event using the Google Form hosted by Crystal.

Systematic Reviews from a Researcher Perspective

Join the Health Sciences Library to hear from a panel of experts about the process of planning, completing, publishing, and teaching systematic reviews. Panelists from across health affairs at Carolina will share their experiences, strategies, and lessons learned through successfully completing evidence synthesis projects. Register now at https://go.unc.edu/SRPanel

PreMiEr Seminar Series: Evaluation of Sink Bioaerosols

PreMiEr is an Engineering Research Center funded by the NSF, comprised of five North Carolina universities (Duke, NCA&T, NC State, UNC-CH, UNC-Charlotte) with the mission to improve the health of people occupying the built environment (e.g., homes, schools, workplaces) through manipulation of the microbiomes of those environments. Join Dr. Alexander McCumber in the series talk... Read more »