Congratulations once again on your acceptance to the Department of Environmental Sciences and Engineering (ESE) at UNC-Chapel Hill! We’re proud of our graduate programs and of our department. Our work today builds on ESE’s long tradition of local and global impact, and we’re proudly the nation’s first engineering department in a school of public health.

We’re excited to share more about our department and the opportunities we offer during our 2022 Newly Admitted Graduate Student Open House (Friday, March 4). While we wish we could be gathering in person, we’re excited and looking forward to meeting you virtually! Our planning committee has worked hard to design an engaging and fun way for you to learn about what it’s like to be a graduate student at Carolina, and this website will be your hub during our Graduate Student Open House.

You can find our full schedule here.

Spend time exploring this site, using the navigation above and the breadcrumbs at the top of each page. There are a few things you can do before we kick off our Open House to make meeting virtually a little more fun and a little more like meeting in person!

  • Meet our faculty and current graduate students
  • Take a sneak peek into a couple of our ESE labs with a virtual tour. You may be prompted to log in using your Microsoft email or a Google account.
  • Take a virtual tour of campus and explore the graduate student specific resources at UNC
  • Join our UNC Environmental Sciences & Engineering Open House GroupMe Chat
    • A place where you can go to talk with current students, other newly admitted students, and members of ESE Student Services on March 4. If you need tech support, have a question about a panel, or just want to share a thought do that here.

When it’s time to join our live panels and workshops via Zoom, join here!

If you have any questions or need technical assistance, you can contact us at ESE Student Services 

Contact your Academic Coordinator.
Who is my Academic Coordinator?

Assistant to Chair: Rhoda Cerny
Looking for someone else?
MPH@UNC (MPH Online) Only:
Program Coordinator, John Sugg

135 Dauer Drive
166 Rosenau Hall, CB #7431
Chapel Hill, NC 27599-7431
(919) 966-1171