Program on Ethnicity, Culture and Health Outcomes (ECHO)
Thank you for visiting the website for the UNC Program on Ethnicity, Culture and Health Outcomes (ECHO).
In fall 2017, the program’s funding ended. After 15 years of innovative work in health disparities research, training and community engagement, UNC ECHO concluded its service to the University and to partners in communities across North Carolina.
We appreciate the generous support from the GlaxoSmithKline Foundation, which enabled us to grow the program over the course of many years; the National Institutes of Health, which provided funding to sustain the program; the UNC School of Medicine, for its institutional support that served as bridge funding; and the UNC Gillings School of Global Public Health, for its infrastructure and in-kind support.
In May 2018, ECHO will award certificates of completion to its last cohort of Interdisciplinary Health Disparities Certification program students. Exciting changes are underway for the certificate, and the program will be suspended for one year to accommodate these changes. During this time, students are encouraged to continue taking courses from the health disparities curriculum.
We are grateful for your longstanding support of the UNC ECHO program. Please continue to stay involved with ECHO’s mission through the UNC Center for Health Equity Research, which will continue to provide important information about health disparities and UNC’s health equity research, training and community engagement.