Jonathan Kotch
Improving the health and safety of North Carolina's children
Geni Eng
Power of community, strength in diversity
Bill Gentry
From his college days as an emergency medical services technician in Wilmington, N.C., Gentry has valued an organized, collaborative approach to getting the job done — especially when the job at hand is preserving health or saving the lives of humans and animals. His emergency management work led him to UNC in 2005, where he now directs the Gillings School’s Community Preparedness and Disaster Management (CPDM) certificate program and consults with local health departments and first-responder personnel in countries as far away as Botswana and Moldova.
Student Internships
Enjoy these snapshots! They describe only a few of our students' North Carolina projects.
Dr. Sarah Morrow
A scholarship established by her children honors her advocacy for maternal and child health
Carmen Samuel-Hodge
Tailored approaches reduce diabetes risk and prevent secondary complications