The Philip C. Singer Distinguished Professorship in Environmental Sciences and Engineering
May 6, 2013
In June 2011, Dr. Philip Singer, Daniel A. Okun Distinguished Professor of Environmental Engineering, retired after 38 years at Carolina. We salute the following alumni, family and friends who have established the Philip C. Singer Distinguished Professorship in Environmental Sciences and Engineering in his honor. It is not too late to honor Dr. Singer with a gift to the professorship fund!
Michael D. Aitken & Betsy Rudolph
Robert Glenn Arnold & Katherine Fox Arnold
David Bruce Babcock
Mark Oldham Barnett
James Joseph Barry III
Robert Alan Berndt
Mark Dean Beuhler
James Henry Borchardt
Treavor Hall Boyer
C. Vance Brooks IV
George Cameron Budd Jr.
Stephen Emory Cabaniss
Grace Robinson Chan
Shengder David Chang
Jean Marie Colthurst
Carrie Anne Delcomyn
Ann DiGiano & Francis A. DiGiano
William Bruce Dowbiggin
Howard J. Dunn
Jose Antonio Felix-Filho
Kevin Michael Fitzpatrick
Robert Harold Forbes Jr.
Alice Harris Fulmer
Lyne S. Gamble Jr.
Robert Ernest Gandley
Stefan Johannes Grimberg & Ms. Jan Elizabeth DeWaters
Richard Warren Gullick
Nora J. Han
Wayne Harris & Naomi Harris
Hazen and Sawyer P.C.
Tara Lynn Hickey
Carl R. Johnson
Richard Miles Kamens
Ryan Scott Kingsbury
Peter Jonathan Kolsky
Lawrence David Kornreich
Donald Thomas Lauria & Marie M. Lauria
Andrew James Lawler
Desmond Frederick Lawler & Alice Cotter Lawler
Margaret “Peggy” Layne
James Robert Leserman
Janet Martha Levy
Thomas Clifford Long
Julia Prince MacMillan
Lee M. Marcus
William Sheffield McCoy
Raymond Joseph Nierstedt
James Edward Nix
William Kevin O’Neil
Gretchen Dara Onstad
Douglas Martin Owen
David Edward Pinsky
Brian Lee Ramaley
David Alan Rechow & Catherine Grace Wanat
Anthony William Reevy & Caroline Weaver
Barbara K. Rimer
James K. Schafer & Donna Schafer
Christopher Roman Schulz
Robert James Shimp
Estate of Hattie Singer
Vanessa Lynn Speight
Gerald Eugene Speitel Jr.
Donald Jeff Spiegel
Jeanne Stahl
Joel Leslie Storrow & Donna Bigham Storrow
Rodger Ladd Tatken
John Eric Tobiason
Margaret Bliss Umphres
William Vizuete
Jason West & Amy Davenport
Donald G. Willhoit
Randall Edgar Williams
Jack Eugene Wilson
Chen-Yu Yen & Ray-Whay Chen Yen
John Sterling Young Jr.
To make a donation, contact Peggy Dean Glenn at (919) 966-0198 or
We have made every effort to ensure the accuracy of this list, which was compiled on March 29. To report an error or omission, please contact Susie Smith at
Carolina Public Health is a publication of the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Gillings School of Global Public Health. To view previous issues, please visit