May 5, 2016

Alexa Jones

Alexa Jones

“Obtaining a master’s degree at the Gillings School has been a goal that I have worked toward diligently. My undergraduate studies gave me a solid foundation and taught me how to deliver tools to promote healthier lifestyles within a community. By earning this graduate degree, I will be able to act as a leader in improving quality and access of care for all.

Thank you for allowing me to continue my education and obtain the knowledge necessary to give back to a growing population.”

Alexa Jones, 2015-2016 Annual Fund Scholar, 2017 Master of Healthcare Administration candidate, health policy and management

Luis Maldonado

Luis Maldonado


“It’s amazing to have individuals believe in me and in the work I’m most passionate about. There are no words to describe the depth of appreciation I have for you all. Thank you so much for your continued support! You are bringing me one step closer to my goal of conducting meaningful work that may help improve interventions and policies in the United States and abroad.”

Luis E. Maldonado, 2015-2016 Annual Fund Scholar, 2017 doctoral candidate, nutrition

More than 1,500 students are pursuing their public health education and training at the UNC Gillings School. Research conducted by this diverse and passionate group spans all areas of public health, but our students share a common goal – a desire to make the world healthier and safer. Since 2009, we have offered more than 100 Annual Fund scholarships. These investments make a difference in the lives of our students and their mission to improve the health and well-being of people across North Carolina and around the world.

Make your Annual Fund gift today. These immediate-impact dollars provide scholarships that allow our departments to recruit, retain and support future public health leaders, problem solvers, pioneers, educators and innovators.

Learn more about this year’s Annual Fund Scholars, and make your gift, at

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