Resources: Lactation and Infant Feeding in Emergencies for ECE
A curriculum to equip Child Care Health Consultants (CCHCs) to serve as local experts on implementing Emergency Preparedness and Response plans with an Infant and Young Child Feeding in Emergencies (IYCF-E) lens was developed to address Early Care and Education workforce development and meet the needs of families enrolled in licensed child care. The curriculum, built around the Carolina Ten Steps to Breastfeeding Friendly Child Care, provides guidance for the integration of IYCF-E into EPR planning.
Curriculum Components
CGBI, with funding support from NC Division of Child Development and Early Education and The Duke Endowment, partnered with the North Carolina Child Care Health and Safety Resource Center (HSRC) on the curriculum design and training rollout. The HSRC provides IYCF-E training to CCHCs across NC. In addition to online modules, PowerPoint slides, and fillable PDF worksheets, CCHCs receive demonstration kits. Quick reference flip cards within each kit provide need-to-know guidance during an emergency. The Kit Use publication, linked below, was created as a curriculum companion providing education and guidance while preparing an emergency response.