Related Publications

History of RSB Development
RSB was developed and edited by the International Board Certified Lactation Consultants at CGBI and N.C. Women’s Hospital. Much of the content was compiled by students enrolled in the 2010-2011 CGBI Mary Rose Tully Training Initiative. CGBI associates developed and led a Train the Trainer (TOT) for the Women’s Health Information Center Director as well as the staff and volunteers at the Center. The TOT covered basic information about evidence-based maternity care practices, in-depth discussions about newborn care and breastfeeding, as well as the Teaching Aid materials. Following the TOT, CGBI and the Women’s Health Information Center conducted pilot sessions with both English and Spanish-speaking patients.

The Ready, Set, BABY curriculum has been revised after a 2013 Evaluation and a 2015 pilot study, both described in the following tab.

Evaluation Project 2013

An evaluation of RSB implementation was conducted to inform improvements to the content of the materials and logistics of the program, and to assess mothers’ experience with regard to satisfaction, knowledge improvement, convenience and perceived effectiveness.

Click here to read the details of the initial evaluation survey.

Based on this evaluation and internal research, the RSB materials were revised and redesigned to expand content and include an educator flipchart to assist the delivery of the content.

2014-2015 Pilot of Revised RSB Materials (New Format and Enhanced Content)

CGBI collaborated with 7 obstetric clinics in the US to pilot the revised RSB materials, including the educator flip-chart. Data were positive, and have been shared across the US at breastfeeding conferences and meetings. The Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior published a short “GEM” (Great Educational Material) featuring Ready, Set, BABY in their Special Supplemental Issue on WIC in July of 2017.  A more detailed publication of the results is available in the Sept 2018 issue of BIRTH. Click the Related Publications tab for links to these publications.

2018 – New Design

The look and feel of the Ready Set Baby materials were updated in 2018 with the release of a new version. The patient booklet went from 28 pages to 24 pages, and improvements were made based on accumulated internal and external feedback.

2020 – COVID-19 Live Zoom Adaptation

With the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, CGBI began offering live zoom classes of the Ready Set Baby education. A section of content on the coronavirus as it relates to pregnancy, birth, lactation was added to the curriculum, which included information on the COVID-19 vaccine as that information became available. The content of this additional section is not publicly available, but anyone can join the ongoing live classes. A 2020 publication describes the adaptation of the content and is linked under the next tab. A survey of participants was conducted; results of which are also linked under the next tab.

  • The Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior published a short “Great Educational Material” piece featuring Ready, Set, BABY in their Special Supplemental Issue on WIC in July of 2017.
  • Full study publication Sept 2018 in BIRTH. Free read-only access here.
  • COVID-19 adaptation to Live Zoom Classes described in Nov 2020 Journal of Human Lactation publication. Access here.
  • Survey of COVID-19 adapted live zoom class participants. Results described in Jan 2023 Journal of Perinatal Education. Access here.
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Carolina Global Breastfeeding Institute
Department of Maternal and Child Health
135 Dauer Drive
422 Rosenau Hall, CB #7445
Chapel Hill, NC 27599-7445