CGBI: Breastfeeding Exclusive Winter 2019 - Carolina BEBES
BEBES Update
In November the Carolina BEBES hosted a “Baby Shower” in the Gillings School of Global Public Health atrium. This was an opportunity for BEBES to kick-off the month-long diaper drive for NC Diaper Bank and Diaper Train. Refreshments were served as well as “breast cupcake decorating” where students decorated their own breast cupcake with a variety of frostings and candies. They provided a variety of sample cupcakes to show the variation of shapes and sizes of breasts and had discussions with students about what they knew about breasts or breastfeeding. The diaper drive was a huge success! Over 60 packs of diapers, 80 packs of wipes, and thousands of pads, liners, and tampons were collected for the charities.

BEBES team members prepared for the Baby Shower by baking cupcakes together and decorating some sample breast/boobies
BEBES is currently planning a Perinatal Health Panel tentatively scheduled for February. The topic is “cooperative care” and hope to have a variety of perspectives and expertise in this event including a Midwife, IBCLC, OB and Doula to discuss the importance of collaboration in perinatal health.