CGBI: Breastfeeding Exclusive September 2018- EMPower Update
EMPower Breastfeeding Initiative Update

We are happy to report that to date, 63 hospitals in the EMPower Breastfeeding Project have received Baby-Friendly® Designation! Congratulations to these hospital teams on all the hard work and dedication that has now paid off.
EMPower Training Initiative Update
EMPower Training, the current CDC-funded initiative focuses on advancing the knowledge and skills in evidence-based maternity practices supportive of optimal infant nutrition. Hospitals receive technical assistance and training for maternity care staff skills-based competency requirements.
Recently the EMPower Training team completed 4 successful regional Train-the-Trainer meetings for enrolled hospitals. Teams gathered in Alabama, Texas, North Carolina and Missouri for 2-days and returned home with enhanced knowledge and skills to implement maternity care and breastfeeding training within their facilities.
Teams are now working on finalizing their individualized training plans this fall and will begin implementing these plans over the next year with the technical assistance of their EMPower coaches. We are excited to work with each of these hospitals on their journey to providing ever-improving maternity care to the moms and babies they serve.

Four regional meetings reached EMPower Training teams from nearly 90 hospitals. Pictured here: Region C – Concord, NC.

EMPower Training Simulation – Training participants practiced skills with live models who demonstrated typical maternal behaviors postpartum through a simulation lab. Pictured here: Region A – Mobile, AL.