CGBI: Breastfeeding Exclusive September 2018- Carolina BEBES
Carolina BEBES is a graduate student organization aimed at providing an opportunity for interested students to learn more about normal birth and breastfeeding and to advocate for supportive birth/breastfeeding practices on campus, locally, nationally and globally. Through participation, students are involved in evidence-based advocacy, training and community education opportunities. The organization also serves as a mechanism for students to get involved with the efforts of the Carolina Global Breastfeeding Institute.
The 2018-2019 executive board (Edith Amponsah, Mattea Alexander, Ariana Stewart, and Kate Crissman) are very excited to continue with some of BEBES’ past events and host new ones this academic year. Events like the diaper bank drive and the community baby shower are coming back, as well as new guest lecturers and community involvement. The group is also excited to welcome newly recruited members coming from different backgrounds and their contributions to the goals and objectives of the group.

BEBES leaders share info about the group at the annual Student Activities Orientation for new students.