Breastfeeding Exclusive September 2017 - Publications and Presentations
Nieswender de Calani, K; Parry, K; Sullivan, C. Essential Care for Mothers and Newborns: Attachment in pregnancy and the postpartum period. Washington DC. Food for the Hungry (FH). 2017.
Palmquist, AEL. Advocacy: IBCLCs advocating for global breastfeeding through skilled lactation support. Journal of Human Lactation 2017 May 1; 33(3): 502-503
Parry KC, Tully KP, Moss SL, Sullivan CS. Innovative prenatal breastfeeding education curriculum: Ready, Set, BABY. Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior. 2017 July 1;49: (7S2):S214-S216.e1.
Stuebe AM, Jegier BJ, Schwarz EB, Green BD, Reinhold AG, Colaizy TT, Bogen DL, Schaefer AJ, Jegier JT, Green NS, Bartick MC. An Online Calculator to Estimate the Impact of Changes in Breastfeeding Rates on Population Health and Costs. Breastfeed Medicine. 2017 Sep 14.
Cox EQ, Raines C, Kimmel M, Richardson E, Stuebe A, Meltzer-Brody S. Comprehensive Integrated Care Model to Improve Maternal Mental Health. Journal of Obstetric, Gynecologic & Neonatal Nursing. 2017 Sep 6.
Sullivan C. (Panel) Baby Friendly Hospital Initiative: CGBI/EMPower Ten Step Implementation, Reaching Our Sisters Everywhere Summit, New Orleans, LA, August 2017.
Stuebe AM. Establishing the 4th Trimester; Breastfeeding, Contraception and Ethics: Oh My! Advocacy and Informed Decision-Making in the Postpartum Period; and Lactation Failure and Postpartum Mood Disorders: Common Problems Arising from Shared Neuroendocrine Pathways. Breastfeeding: Baby’s Natural Choice, La Vista, NE, August 2017
Stuebe AM, Tully KP. Applying a 4th Trimester Lens to Mother-Infant Care. 30th Annual Postpartum Support International Conference. Philadelphia, PA, July 2017.
Stuebe AM and Tully, KP. Lactation and the 4th Trimester: A mismatch between evolved dyadic needs and the current culture of health. ACOG Research Conference: An Evolutionary Perspective: Integrating Evolution into Medical Education, Washington, DC, June 2017
Tully, KP. The 4th Trimester. Cone Health Breastfeeding Extravaganza. Greensboro, North Carolina, August 2017.
Tully, KP. The 4th Trimester Project. Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute Engagement Award Meeting. Durham, North Carolina, June 2017.
Wouk K, Zvara B, Tucker CM, Meltzer-Brody S, Pence BW, Stuebe AM. The role of positive emotions in infant feeding and perinatal mental health. Oral presentation at Nutrition and Nurture in Infancy and Childhood: Bio-cultural Perspectives, Cumbria, England, June 2017.