Breastfeeding Exclusive September 2017 - Carolina BEBES Update

Co-Presidents of Carolina BEBES, Kate Lewandowski and Jenna McCready, table at the Gillings Students Activities Fair in September of 2017.
Carolina BEBES’ new co-presidents, Kate Lewandowski and Jenna McCready, kicked off the Fall 2017 semester recruiting new club members at the Gillings Students Activities Fair this September. There was an outstanding turnout from new first-year students and returning second-years at the BEBES general interest meeting where members discussed potential events and activities for the upcoming school year.
Dr. Aunchalee Palmquist, CGBI faculty, participated in the group’s first event by offering an open lecture on Infant Feeding in Disasters and Emergencies. Other events discussed and on the docket for the future are a fundraiser for Breast Cancer Awareness Month and future BEBES events, and the 3rd Annual Diaper Drive this November benefitting the Diaper Train and the Diaper Bank of North Carolina. BEBES looks forward to continue providing education, resources, and support around birth and breastfeeding at Gillings, across UNC’s campus, as well as in the local community!