Floor waxing could be an important source of PFAS contamination, with increased occupational health risks for workers

May 25, 2022
There’s a special satisfaction that comes from walking on perfectly shined floors — but is it worth the potential risk to floor waxing workers? A study published earlier this year measured per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) in dust and airborne particulate matter during professional floor stripping and waxing. Researchers concluded that significantly higher levels of PFAS were present during floor waxing.

Researchers evaluate diagnostic testing landscape for tick-borne disease in the Southeast

May 25, 2022
Tick-borne disease and Lyme are not synonymous, especially in North Carolina. If anything, other pathogens like rickettsia and ehrlichia are much more common, and testing should reflect that, researchers say.

UNC-Chapel Hill receives $65M from NIH for antiviral drug development center

May 20, 2022
Building on the work of READDI, the NIH-funded center will develop oral antivirals to combat pandemic-level viruses like COVID-19.

Gillings researchers receive EPA grant to study PFAS in outdoor air

May 18, 2022
Environmental sciences and engineering researchers at the Gillings School have been awarded nearly $800,000 in grant funding from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency to develop new analytical methods that can improve the detection of emerging air pollutants like PFAS.

Excessive drinking’s growing financial toll in NC outpaced inflation, creating heavy societal costs

May 18, 2022
Excessive drinking cost North Carolinians $9.73 billion, or $2.09 per drink, in 2017 – a 38% increase over excessive drinking costs in 2010.

Prenatal substance use linked to inadequate prenatal, perinatal care

May 11, 2022
Gillings School maternal and child health researchers found that people who engage in prenatal substance use are more likely to initiate prenatal care later and receive inadequate care before and after birth, with the most pronounced differences in those who report illicit substance use.

Can sustainable plastics clean our plastic-polluted water?

April 21, 2022
UNC researchers across disciplines are harnessing the power of a new plastic to remove pollutants from drinking water. Their work just got a significant boost from the state legislature.

Improving maternal health equity through workforce development at UNC

April 19, 2022
The Maternal Health Learning and Innovation Center at UNC-Chapel Hill aims to address systemic racism in maternal health and reduce inequities in maternal mortality through workforce training that centers equity.

New study explores intimate partner violence as precursor to suicide

April 11, 2022
Intimate partner violence is a precursor to 6.1% of all suicides, according to a new study led by health behavior researchers at UNC.

Water supply portfolios must be viable for all partners

April 5, 2022
The need to invest in large and expensive new water infrastructure represents a significant challenge for water providers, especially given ongoing water affordability issues and the uncertainties associated with future demands and climate change. 

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