Improving mental health care in Malawi

October 21, 2024
New research led by a team at the UNC Gillings School of Global Public Health investigates the sustainability of a mental health care program in Malawi, where the need for mental health care far outweighs the current capacity for treatment.

Storms, floods, landslides associated with intimate partner violence against women two years later

October 14, 2024
A new global study that features research from Dr. Abigail Hatcher suggests that when a country experiences climate shocks, levels of partner violence increase two years later.

Engaging family members to support breastfeeding and anti-retroviral therapy, prevent mother-to-child transmission of HIV

September 29, 2024
Children who are HIV-exposed and uninfected experience poor growth and development compared to children who are HIV-unexposed and uninfected, according to research led by Dr. Stephanie Martin. Exclusive breastfeeding with adherence to anti-retroviral therapy (ART) is a recommended practice for preventing mother-to-child transmission, but there are barriers to adherence.

Most Black parents discuss racial challenges with children

August 26, 2024
A new survey of Black parents with young children in the U.S., led by Dr. Iheoma U. Iruka, finds that most parents say they talk with their children about the challenges they may face because of their race either often or sometimes.

Ultra-processed foods draw children’s attention — more so if they have them at home

July 31, 2024
Children's home environment may play a key role in shaping their reactions toward ultra-processed foods from an early age.

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