Positive messaging could play a key role in increasing COVID-19 mask compliance

January 13, 2021
Experts from the Gillings School and the Hussman School at UNC have published a new study suggesting that positive messages could be critical to increasing the use of face coverings during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Gillings professor studies alcohol and HIV, leads NIH grant site in Vietnam

January 5, 2021
Dr. Vivian Go is a social epidemiologist who designs, implements and evaluates HIV interventions among marginalized populations in Asia. She has worked for more than 15 years in Vietnam, and both a recent scientific publication and large grant from the National Institutes of Health (NIH) represent the continuation of her efforts to prevent HIV infection.

Study proves cost-effectiveness of strategies to increase rates of HPV vaccination

December 21, 2020
Recent research published in Pediatrics by a team of faculty and alumnae of the UNC Gillings School of Global Public Health shows that existing interventions to increase human papillomavirus vaccinations are cost-effective.

Groundbreaking study on staff wellness in child care centers named Paper of the Year

December 4, 2020
Child care workers are among the lowest paid workers in the United States, and they face a variety of health concerns. A 2020 study that sets the stage for a Total Worker Health® approach to improving their health outcomes has been named Paper of the Year by the International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity.

Structural and systemic racism in health care system affects HIV care for Black women

November 19, 2020
For Black women in the southern United States, mistrust of the health care system that is grounded in structural and systemic racism is a key factor affecting participation in HIV prevention and treatment services, according to a recent study that includes research from Dr. Carol Golin.

Adams records experiences from the front lines of the COVID-19 pandemic

November 2, 2020
Brandon Adams, who is seeking a degree in health behavior at the Gillings School, spent the summer documenting experiences of public health and health care workers on the front lines of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Viewpoint: Unhealthy food needs prominent warning labels

October 14, 2020
The United States should require prominent warning labels on front-of-product packaging to alert consumers when food products contain high levels of unhealthy nutrients, according to a recent JAMA Viewpoint article co-authored by Gillings School faculty member Marissa Hall.

Sidibe relies on collaboration, flexibility and speed to direct CDC Foundation’s COVID-19 response

September 18, 2020
As emergency response director for the CDC Foundation, Turquoise Sidibe has tackled everything from hurricanes to the opioid crisis. Since her unit was activated in January 2020, she has led implementation and evaluation of the CDC Foundation’s more than 100 active COVID-19 projects.

UNC faculty support new public campaign urging North Carolinians to “Get Behind the Mask”

September 11, 2020
The “Whatever Your Reason” campaign, a new statewide public effort to encourage every North Carolinian to wear a mask in the collective fight against COVID-19, was launched recently by the North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services. Two Gillings School researchers advised on the campaign.

Golden named vice chair of Department of Health Behavior

September 8, 2020
Dr. Shelley Golden, associate professor of health behavior at the Gillings School, was named vice chair for academic affairs in the Department of Health Behavior. The appointment became effective September 1.

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