Review underscores health benefits of physical activity during pregnancy

August 12, 2019
“Exercise carries a host of health benefits for both mom and baby, but we are clearly falling short in encouraging pregnant women to stay physically active or in helping them address barriers to doing so,” says Dr. Kelly Evenson.

Holmes appointed to National Advisory Committee on rural health

August 9, 2019
Dr. Mark Holmes, professor of health policy and management at Gillings School and director of UNC's Cecil G. Sheps Center for Health Services Research, has been appointed to the National Advisory Committee on Rural Health and Human Services.

Singh Ongechi awarded Hettleman Prize for supporting mothers and children around the globe

August 9, 2019
"Dr. Singh Ongechi’s innovative work consistently has contributed to the improvement of the health of vulnerable populations who are, at times, invisible," said Dr. Carolyn Halpern.

Does being part of a pediatric ACO equal better health care for children with disabilities?

August 7, 2019
Children with disabilities are at higher risk for poor physical, psychological and social health than children without disabilities, placing them among the most vulnerable populations. A recent study co-led by UNC Gillings researchers explores whether being part of an accountable care organization (ACO) improves health care for these children.

Researchers propose action plan to improve quality health services for nations facing ‘extreme adversity’

August 5, 2019
In order to help the World Health Organization meet its goal of better protecting one billion people from health emergencies by 2023, a team of researchers from the Gillings School has proposed an evidence-based framework to improve the quality of health services in areas facing extreme adversity.

Researchers promote survivorship programs specific to Latino/a cancer patients

August 5, 2019
As the number of cancer survivors increases, there is a lack of evidence-based, culturally relevant and supportive care programs for Latino/a cancer survivors. Dr. Carmina G. Valle, assistant professor of nutrition, helped adapt a program to fill this gap.

Study finds evidence that omega-3 fatty acid-derived molecules can improve chronic inflammation in obesity

July 31, 2019
A new article, published in the featured spot of the August 2019 Journal of Leukocyte Biology, shares the latest findings on why metabolites made from omega-3 fatty acids are deficient in people living with obesity — and what that means for related inflammation.

Leatherman to receive award for contributions to global health care

July 30, 2019
Sheila Leatherman, MSW, professor of health policy and management at the Gillings School, will receive the International Society for Quality in Health Care Presidential Citation for Distinguished Service Award this October.

Emergency department crowding is a hospital-wide problem

July 30, 2019
Overcrowded hospital emergency departments (ED) can have negative consequences on patient health and hospital performance, but when it comes to solutions to ease gridlock in the ED, one size does not fit all.

Oberlander named editor of leading health politics journal

July 30, 2019
Dr. Jonathan Oberlander has been named editor of the Journal of Health Politics, Policy and Law. The journal, established in 1976, is a bimonthly peer-reviewed publication that covers health policy and health law as they relate to politics

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