Wimal Pathmasiri, PhD

Assistant Professor
Department of Nutrition


Wimal Pathmasiri, PhD is an Assistant Professor at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill’s Nutrition Research Institute (NRI). An overarching goal of Dr. Pathmasiri’ s research includes understanding the links between exposures, microbial metabolism, and human health. He has worked with the Sumner Lab for over 12 years, as the director of a technology core for the NIH Common Fund Eastern Regional Comprehensive Metabolomics Resource Core and works as a co-investigator in the North Carolina Human Health Exposure Analysis Resource Untargeted Analysis Laboratory. Dr. Pathmasiri develops and applies metabolomics to reveal metabolic pathway perturbations associated with disease states, therapeutic treatments, and environmentally relevant exposures. He has contributed to research in the areas of cancer, childhood obesity, early-life exposure to antibiotics, environmental exposure, kidney disease, osteoarthritis, rare diseases, and toxicology.


  • PhD, Chemistry, Uppsala University - Sweden, 2007
  • Licentiate of Philosophy, Pharmacognosy, Uppsala University - Sweden, 2003
  • Master of Philosophy, Chemistry, University of Colombo - Sri Lanka, 1996
  • BS, Biology, University of Colombo - Sri Lanka, 1991