Sandra L. Martin, PhD
Dr. Martin is the Director of the UNC Center of Excellence in Maternal and Child Health Education, Science and Practice, a training grant that funds postdoctoral scholars, doctoral students and master’s students..
Dr. Martin’s research, teaching and public health service focuses on gender-based violence. She has authored more than 100 peer-reviewed manuscripts, as well as book chapters and reports, on a wide range of violence related concerns including sexual violence, domestic violence and child maltreatment. Her research has been funded by multiple sources, including NIH, CDC, DOD, WHO and state agencies.
Sandra Martin in the Gillings News
Honors and Awards
Mentor Award for Lifetime Achievement
2021, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Bernard G. Greenberg Alumni Endowment Award
2015, Gillings School of Global Public Health
Faculty Mentoring Award
2011, Carolina Women’s Leadership Council
Violence Against Women Best Paper Nomination
2011, Violence Against Women Journal
Judges Award, Women's Health Research Day, Chapel Hill, NC, 2004
2004, UNC-CH
McGavran Award for Excellence in Teaching
2001, The School of Public Health, UNC, Chapel Hill
Leaders in Child Health
1999, Rochester University Child Health Congress
Health and Welfare Canada Fellowship Award
1988, Health and Welfare Canada
McMaster Dalley Scholarship for Achievement
1977, n/a
Representative Courses
MHCH 732 Gender-Based Violence | Syllabus
Research Activities
Principal Investigator, School-Based Human Trafficking Program for High-Risk Youth
Co-Investigator, A Randomized Trial of Wise Guys Next Level
Co-Investigator, Growing Researcher and College Communities Supporting Violence Prevention Research
Co-Investigator, Influence of PTSD Symptoms on Chronic Pain Development after Sexual Assault
Co-Investigator, Patterns of Intimate Partner Violence from Adolescence into Adulthood among Sexual Minorities and Heterosexuals.
Service Activities
2014- present UNC Gender-Based Violence Research Group, Faculty Mentor
2013-present Core Faculty Member and Internal Advisory Board, UNC IPRC
2004-present Associate Chair for Research, MCH
Practice Activities
2016-2017 University of Hawaii System. Provide guidance on the development of a campus climate survey assessing sexual assault and other types of violence for all University of Hawaii System universities and colleges.
2016-2017 American Association of Universities (AAU). Editorial Review Team member providing guidance on an AAU report of survey findings on how universities are using AAU campus climate survey data to inform programming to prevent sexual assault on campus.
2014-2015 American Association of Universities (AAU). Chair of the Survey Development Team for the Sexual Assault & Campus Climate Survey, a survey of 28 U.S. public and private research universities which will include up to 800,000 undergraduate, graduate, and professional students.
Key Publications
Sexual and relationship violence and LGBTQ+ college and university students: A scoping review. Klein LB, Dawes HC, James G, Hall WJ, Rizo CF, Potter SL, Martin SL, Macy RJ (2022). Trauma, Violence, and Abuse.
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Martin SL, Fisher BS, Stoner MCD, Rizo CF, Wojcik ML. Sexual assault of college students: Victimization and perpetration involving cisgender men, cisgender women and gender minorities. (2022). Journal of American College Health.
Affordable housing through the low-income housing tax credit program and intimate partner violence-related homicide. Austin AE, Durrance CP, Martin SL, Runyan CW, Runyan DK, Mercer J, Shanahan ME. (2022). Preventive Medicine.
The association of low-income housing tax credit units and reports of child abuse and neglect. Shanahan ME, Austin AE, Durrance CP, Martin SL, Mercer J, Runyan DK, Runyan CW (2022). American Journal of Preventive Medicine.
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The Prevalence of Sex Trafficking of Children and Adolescents in the United States: A Scoping Review. *Franchino-Olsen H, Chesworth BR, Boyle C, Rizo CF, Martin SL, Jordan B, Macy RJ, Stevens L. (2020). Trauma, Violence & Abuse.
Sexual assault of college students: Victimization and perpetration involving cisgender men, cisgender women and gender minorities. Martin SL, Fisher BS, Stoner MCD, Rizo CF, Wojcik ML. (2020). Journal of American College Health.
Minor sex trafficking of girls with disabilities. *Franchino-Olsen H, Silverstein H, Kahn N, Martin SL. (1970). International Journal of Human Rights in Healthcare, 13(2).
Patterns of adverse childhood experiences and subsequent risk of interpersonal violence perpetration among men in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. *Zietz S, Kajula L, McNaughton Reyes L, Moracco B, Shanahan M, Martin SL, Maman S. (2019). Child Abuse and Neglect, 99(104256).
Educating students about sex trafficking and responding to students needs: Principals’ perceptions and practices. *Rizo CF, Klein LB, Chesworth BR, Franchino-Olsen H, Villodas ML, Macy RJ, Martin SL. (2019). Journal of Human Trafficking.
Sexual Harassment of College & University Students: A Systematic Review. *Klein LB, Martin SL. (2019). Trauma Violence and Abuse.
Protocol for the first large-scale emergency care-based longitudinal cohort student of recovery after sexual assault: the Women’s Health Study. Short NA, Sullivan J, Soward A, Bollen K, Liberzon I, Martin SL, Rauch SAM, Diatchenko L, Bell K, Rossi C, Lechner M, Novak C, Witkemper KD, Kessler R, McLean SA. (2019). BMJ Open, 9(11).
Evaluations of Prevention Programs for Sexual, Dating, and Intimate Partner Violence for Boys and Men: A Systematic Review. *Graham LM, Embry V, Young Belinda-Rose, Macy RJ, Moracco KE, McNaughton Reyes HL, Martin SL. (2019). Trauma, Violence & Abuse.
Starting the conversation: Are university sexual assault policies related to the prevalence of campus sexual assault? DeLong SM, Graham LM, Magee EP, Treves-Kagen S, Gray CL, McClay LM, Zarnick SM, Kupper LL, Macy RJ, Ashley OS, Pettifor A, Moracco KE, Martin SL. (2018). Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 33(21), 3313-3343.
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Leveraging Data and Momentum to Strengthen Campus Sexual Assault Policy. Klein LB, Graham LM, Treves-Kagan S, Deck PG, DeLong SM, Martin SL. (2018). Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 33(21), 3298-3314.
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- PhD, Epidemiology, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 1988
- MSc, Epidemiology / Biostatistics, McMaster University, 1984
- BA Summa Cum Laude, Psychology / Anthropology, McMaster University, 1978