Dr. Michael Hudgens

Michael Hudgens, PhD

Professor and Chair
Department of Biostatistics
3101D McGavran-Greenberg Hall
CB #7420
Chapel Hill, NC 27599
Innovation at Gillings Partner


Dr. Michael Hudgens is a professor and chair of the Department of Biostatistics at UNC-Chapel Hill. He also serves as the director of the Biostatistics Core of the UNC Center for AIDS Research (CFAR). He has experience in collaborative research and statistical methodology development related to studies of infectious diseases.

Professor Hudgens has co-authored more than 300 peer-reviewed papers in statistical journals such as Biometrics, Biometrika, JASA and JRSS-B as well as biomedical journals such as the Lancet, Nature and New England Journal of Medicine. He currently serves as an associate editor for Biometrics. He is an elected fellow of the American Statistical Association and has taught graduate-level biostatistics courses at UNC for over 15 years.

Michael Hudgens in the Gillings News

Honors and Awards

John E. Larsh Jr. Award for Mentorship
2023, Gillings School of Global Public Health

Kutner Distinguished Alumni Award
2019, Emory Department of Biostatistics and Bioinformatics

Edward G. McGavran Award for Excellence in Teaching
2015, Gillings School of Global Public Health

Elected Fellow
2012, American Statistical Association

Representative Courses

Introductory Survival Analysis (BIOS 680) | Syllabus

Casual Inference in Biomedical Research (BIOS 776) | Syllabus

Research Activities

Survival Analysis, Causal Inference, Infectious Diseases, Epidemiology, Clinical Trials

Service Activities

Associate Editor, Biometrics

Key Publications

Efficient nonparametric estimation of stochastic policy effects with clustered interference. C Lee, D Zeng, MG Hudgens. (In press) Journal of the American Statistical Association.

Quantifying the HIV reservoir with dilution assays and deep viral sequencing. SC Lotspeich, BD Richardson, PL Baldoni, KP Enders, MG Hudgens. (In press) Biometrics.

Average treatment effects in the presence of unknown interference. F Savje, PM Aronow, MG Hudgens (2021). Annals of Statistics, 181(4), 1193-1209.


  • PhD, Biostatistics, Emory University, 2000
  • MS, Mathematics, University of Florida, 1996
  • BS, Mathematics, University of Florida, 1994