I have retired from the U.S. EPA’s National Center for Environmental Assessment where my work consisted of critical review and synthesis of elements of atmospheric science to be used as scientific bases for setting National Ambient Air Quality Standards. I have migrated among a number of areas in atmospheric sciences ranging from planetary atmospheres and atmospheric evolution to areas more relevant for current environmental issues involving stratospheric ozone, tropospheric and urban air pollution and climate change. My research in environmental sciences has involved field measurements of airborne particles for use in human exposure assessment and source apportionment modeling and mechanistic modeling of atmospheric chemistry including radiative-dynamical-chemical interactions.
Major area of expertise and interest - Atmospheric chemistry
- Source-receptor relations of pollutants
- Atmospheric photochemistry
- Global ozone trends
- Analysis of aerosol properties
- Chemistry –climate interactions
- Sources and trends of climate forcers
For Journal articles and book chapters, see Google Scholar profile for JP Pinto:
Research Interest: Air Quality and Atmosphere Science
Critical review and synthesis of atmospheric science elements to be used as scientific bases for setting the NAAQS.