Dr. Jordan Kern is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Forestry and Environmental Resources at North Carolina State University. He is a three time graduate of the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (BS Environmental Science; M.S./Ph.D. in Environmental Sciences & Engineering), and he has worked as a consultant for the Dept. of Energy in Washington, DC in the Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy. Dr. Kern has published on a range of topics in energy, water and the environment.
Junior Faculty Development Award
2015, UNC
Stochastic modeling of coupled natural-human systems; water and energy systems analysis; financial risk management
Multi-Objective Optimal Siting of Algal Biofuel Production with Municipal Wastewater Treatment in Watersheds with Nutrient Trading Markets. Kern, J.D., Gorelick, D.E., Characklis, G.W., Macklin, C.M. (2019). Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management, 145(2), -.
Evaluating the Financial Vulnerability of a Major Electric Utility in the Southeastern U.S. to Drought under Climate Uncertainty and an Evolving Generation Mix. Kern, J.D., Characklis, G. (2017). Environmental Science and Technology, 55(15), 8815-8823.
The Impact of Wind Energy Growth and Hydrological Uncertainty on Financial Losses from Generation Oversupply in Hydropower Dominated Systems. Su, Y., Kern, J.D., Characklis, G. (2017). Applied Energy, 194(_), 172-183.