Ian Carroll

Ian Carroll, PhD

Assistant Professor
Department of Nutrition
7312C Medical Biomolecular Research Building
111 Mason Farm Road
Chapel Hill, NC 27599


The goals of the Carroll Lab are to determine the mechanisms through which the intestinal microbiota or its metabolites influence gastrointestinal physiology, behavior and adiposity/weight regulation with a view to developing novel nutritional-based therapies for disease.

Dr. Carroll's laboratory uses molecular techniques to characterize the intestinal microbiota in both human and mouse models of nutritional-based diseases. Our investigations ultimately will contribute to understanding host-microbe interactions, where the knowledge gained can be applied to enhance health and reduce illness.

Research Activities

Given the substantial direct and indirect interaction among human enteric microbiotas, investigating the impact of intestinal microbial communities on mammalian physiology has considerable health implications. This is the crux of Dr. Carroll's research; see his lab's website to lean more.

Service Activities

Service activities to the discipline:

- Co-director, Gut Microbiome Conference, Huntington Beach, California
- Vice president, Gut Microbiome Conference
- Consultant for Salix Pharmaceuticals, Inc.
- Member, American Gastroenterological Association
- Associate member, Center for Gastrointestinal Biology and Disease

Editorial appointments:
- Ad hoc reviewer, Journal of Crohn’s and Colitis
- Ad hoc reviewer, Gut Microbes
- Ad hoc reviewer, FEMS Microbiology Letters
- Ad hoc reviewer, PLoS ONE
- Ad hoc reviewer, Gut Pathogens

At UNC-Chapel Hill:

- Carolina Medical Student Research program (STRT T35)
- KL2 TraCS - CTSA Multidisciplinary Clinical Research Career Development Program
- NC TraCS $5K-$50K Translational Research matched pilot grant program

On review panels:

- Duke Center for Genomics of Microbial Systems pilot grant program
- RTI International - NIH eastern regional comprehensive metabolomics resource core pilot feasibility projects


  • Postdoctoral Fellowship, Gastrointestinal Microbiology, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 2009
  • PhD, Molecular Microbiology, Trinity College Dublin, 2004
  • BSc, Biotechnology, Dublin City University, 1999